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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
ka Senzangakhona Dingane King of the Zulus (1828 – 1840) 1795 February 1840
ka Shezi Mthuli Playwright and political activist 1947 1972
Kaba Stanley
Kabane Milner Langa Political activist 1945
Kabe Elliot 21-March-1960
kaBhekuzulu Goodwill King of the Zulus 14 July 1948 12 March 2021
Kabi Elliot 21-March-1960
Kabila Laurent

Former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo

27 November 1939 16 Jan 2001
Kabiqeya Samuel
Kadalie Clements Founder of the ICU and National secretary. Trade Unionist and Political Activist. 1896 28-November-1951
Kader Hassim
Kadhikwa Rudolf
Kadhikwa Rudolf
kaHintsa Sarhili King of Xhosaland 1815 1892
Kahla James
Kahlu Mzwandile
Kahn Sam Lawyer, trade unionist, organiser for the NLL, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA), and a Native Representative in Parliament. 1911
Kahn Mauric 1943
Kahn Pauline A member of The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM), the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) and the Young Communist League (YCL)
Kaifas Mkize
Kaijafas Makhole
Kajee Abdulla Business person, NIC member, Joint Secretary of the SAIC  1896 1948
Kajee Amien
Kalake Everit
Kalako Mziwamadoda
Kaleb Matshabe
Kalipa Enoch
Kalipa Nqabisile
Kalk Willie
Kallenbach Hermann

Political activist

Kallichurum Soromini first women professor and Head of Department at then Natal University (now the University of KwaZulu-Natal) medical school, first women Dean of Natal University’s medical faculty and first woman President of the Health Professional Council of Sou 1932 21-December-2002
Kamaldien Yazeed Photographer
Kamase Richard
Kamati Petrus
Kambule Thamsanqa Teacher and professor of mathematics. 15 January 1921 7 August 2009
Kambule Eliakim
Kambule Simeon
Kame William
Kamfer Christiaan 07-September-1976
Kamteni Nontente
Kana Samson
Kani Bonisile Director, actor and playwright 30 August 1943
Kani Sicelo
Kantor James

Lawyer, political prisoner, Rivonia Trialist and exile

26-February-1927 02-February-1974
Kantyo Sidwell
Kanyi Mbongeni
Kanynele Matias
Kanyuele Matias
Kapola Andjenga
Kapolo Angebo
Kaptain Sonwabo
Karabo Freda
Karel Manaka
Kariem Ashraf
Karim Moulvi
Karis Thomas
kaSenzangakhona Mpande Made King of the Zulu’s once he defeated Dingane with the help of the Voortrekkers. He reigned as King from 1840 to 1872 and was succeeded by Cetshwayo. 1798 19 November 1872*
Kashea Joseph
Kasi Kolisile
Kasrils Ronald (Ronnie) Member of the African National Congress (ANC); Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) and secretary of the Congress of Democrats in the early 1960s. Kasrils was involved in MK military operations, and served as Deputy Minister of Defence (1994 -1999). Kasrils was also 15-November-1938
Kasrils Jeanette Eleanor ANC, Congress of Democrats, SACP and Umkhonto we Sizwe member, geologist 09-March-1936 08-November-2009
Kathrada Ahmed A veteran of the South African liberation struggle, Treason Trialist, long-serving political prisoner on Robben Island and Pollsmoor Maximum Prison, African National Congress (ANC) leader and Member of Parliament. 21-August-1929 28-March-2017
Kati James
Kati James
kaTshunungwa Thembekile Enoch Business person, teacher, National organiser for the ANC and 1956 Treason trialist 1923
Katz Freda A member of the African National Congress (ANC) and The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)
Kaunda Kenneth Teacher and first President of an independent Zambia Awarded Doctorate from UKZN passed away on the 17th of June 2021 28 April 1924 17 June 2021
Kausob Kausobson

chief of a group of San

Kawulezile Konzapi
Kay Dorothy Moss Artist 1886 1964
Kay Joan
Kaye Nell Artist 1912 1969
Kayingo Ndondomzi
Kayo James
Kazi Dr.
Keagile Lilian
Keagile Lilian
Kearney Gerald Teacher, author, director of Diakonia, political detainee, Executive member of the Natal UDF, Chair of the Denis Hurley Centre Trust, chair of the Gandhi Development Trust, and advisor to KZN Christian Council  28-August-1942 23-November-2018
Kebeta Benyani
Kedibane Mathabe
Keegan Clive
Keet Raynier Frederick Martin
Kefa Nqonqo
Kefile Gaveni
Keith Bitjane
Keitsing Ntwaesele "Fish" Trade unionist, African National Congress (ANC) activist and 1956 Treason Trial defendant and politician 1919 28-March-2005
Kekana Johannes Jane Tane Chief 1840 1887
Kekana Dime
Kekana Nick
Kekana Job sculptor, teacher 01-January-1916
Kekana Oliver 11/11/86
Kekane Andries 31-December-1976
Kekane Shadrack 26-December-1976
Keke Zolile 31-October-1945 06-February-2013
Keke Steven
Keke Mawela
Kelly Mzolisi
Kemp Stephanie Member of the African Resistance Movement, ANC and SACP.   June 1941 10 March 2023
Kendall Franklin Artist 02-January-1869 20-November-1948
Kenese Dayimani
Kenke William
Kenneth Khambule
Kenneth Malatsi
Kente Gibson 1933 8 November 2004
Kentidge Ncamani
Kentridge William South African artist, film-maker, and performer 28-April-1955
Kentridge Sydney World War II soldier, Advocate, Queens Counsel, British Knighthood Recipient and Recipient of the South African Order of the Baobab in Gold  1922
Kenyatta Jomo President of Kenya and prominent independence leader
Keokame Marshall 16-June-1976
Kepe Lungile Political activist 1927
Keraan Sulaiman
Kers Johannes 12 March 1962
Kerzner Solomon Chartered accountant, Entrepreneur, Property developer, Resort operator and Founder of the Sun City. 23 August 1935
Kesupile Galdys
Ketani Christopher
Ketani Stanley
Ketani Christopher
Ketelo Thamsanqa
Kettledas Mkhuseli Member of the PAC, Robben Island prisoner
Ketye Duke Artist 06-June-1943 13-July-2002
Ketye Mlandeni
Ketyi Siphiwo
Ketyi Siphiwo
Kewpie Kewpie Hairdresser, drag queen, District Six cultural icon 1942 2012
Keye Jefferey
Kgampe Philemon 26-December-1976
Kganyago Lesetja

member of the African National Congress, accountant and economist

7 October 1965
Kgapule Edward 26-December-1977
Kgasi Nicolaas
Kgasi Nicolaas
Kgaswane Gideon
Kgate Sydney
Kgejane Andries
Kgoadi Gustov 26-December-1976
Kgoathe Nicodemus 04-February-1969
Kgoathe Nicodemus 04-February-1969
Kgobe Jacob
Kgobe Alexander

Banished person.

Kgokong Linda 31-December-1976
Kgokong Masatladi
Kgokong Mpotseng
Kgomo Reggie 100189
Kgope Thomas Artist 10-April-1954 2007
Kgori Bennedict
Kgosana Philip Political activist, regional secretary of PAC 1936 19-April-2017
Kgositsile Keorapetse

Poet, political activist, author, lecturer, exile, member of the African National Congress

19 September 1938 3 January 2018
Kgozi Benedict
Kgupisi Herbert 26-December-1976
Kgwadi Paulos 11-November-1985
Kgware Winnie Teacher, President of the Black Peoples Convention, recipient of The Order of Luthuli in Silver 2003 27-October-1917 1998
Kgwete Willie

Banished person

2 August 1971
Kgwete Mack

Banished person

2 August 1971
Khabe Christina 12 April 1992
Khabele Jantjie
Khabincha Aaron
Khabinde Andries
Khabinde Andries
Khaile Eddie J.

Trade unionist, member of the ICU, SACP and Secretary General the ANC

Khaje Sydney 26-December-1976
Khakhaza Monde
Khala Michael
Khala Michael
Khalekele Malana
Khalima Maritsane
Khama Seretse Seretse Khama was the chief of the Bama-Ngwato tribe, Bechuanaland (now Botswana).  1 July 1921 13 July 1980
Khambule Godfrey 24-August-1976
Khambule Themba 11-November-1982
Khambule Mphiksa
Khambule Themba 11/11/82
Khame Mzayifani
Khame Mzimkulu
Khan Shafa´at Ahmad Editor, Politician, Professor of Economics, Indian High Commissioner of India to South Africa from 1941 to 1944 1893 1947
Khan Naziem 16-September-1976
Khan Sam
Khana Bonakele 21 February 1917
Khanyi Mbongeni
Khanyile James 22 December 1991
Khanyile Elson
Khanyile William

Member of the ANC and SACP, SACTU activist and killed in the Matola Raid

30 January 1981
Khasi Moses 11-November-1986
Khatsala Armstrong
Khaya Major
Khayingo Wilson 1926 5 November 1964
Khayingo Wilton
Khayiyana Victor 31-July-1985
Khayiyane Sipho
Khehla Luvuyo 07-September-1986
Khehla Shubane
Khethwa Elias
Khiba Vusimusi
Khiba Vusimusi
Khoapa Ben Member of the Black Consciousness Movement, Director of Study Project on Christianity in an Apartheid Society (SPROCAS) and Vice Chancellor of Technikon Natal as well as Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Durban Institute of Technology
Khoapa Bennie 1937
Kholisile Roxo
Khonongwe Patrick
Khosi David
Khota Ahmed Businessman, MK member and TIC activist. 5 July 1928 17 June 2009
Khota Stevens
Khotso Seathlolo
Khowa Sikhumbuzo
Khoza Joyce Sculptor and print-maker 1945
Khoza Thembinkosi Samson Political Activist  Democracy. 17 May 1959
Khoza Irvin Chairperson of the South African Premier Soccer League Team, Orlando Pirates Football Club, Chairperson of the South African Premier Soccer League (PSL) and a former Vice-President of the South African Football Association (SAFA). He was also the Chair 27 January 1948
Khoza Amos 01-December-1988
Khoza John 31-December-1976
Khoza James
Khoza Aron
Khoza Joseph
Khoza Aaron 26-March-1977
Khoza Banda
Khoza Phillip
Khubeka Hilton 17-June-1976
Khubeka Robert 26-December-1976
Khubeka Zabulon 22-August-1976
Khuboni Simon
Khumalo Jerry ANC member and political activist 1922 31 December 1976
Khumalo Alfred

Journalist and photographer for Drum magazine

5 September 1930 21 October 2012
Khumalo Leleti South African actress best known for her leading roles in the feature films Sarafina! (1992) and Yesterday (2004) 30-March-1970
Khumalo Columbus 26-December-1976
Khumalo Daniel 19-June-1976
Khumalo Themba
Khumalo Christopher
Khumalo Eddie
Khumalo Mzilikazi
Khumalo Themba
Khumalo Charles
Khumalo Patrick
Khumalo Theophilus Footballer, captain of the national South African soccer team and football coach. 26 June 1967
Khumalo Florence
Khumalo Philip
Khumalo Vikeliswe
Khumalo Themba
Khumalo Charles
Khumalo Patrick
Khumalo Bongani 13 Sept. 1984
Khumalo Caswell
Khumalo James

Composer, linguist, teacher, professor, helped create the new South African national anthem, produced first opera by a Black South African, pioneered the innovative system of dual notation, recipient of the Order of the Star of South Africa

20 June 1932 22 June 2021
Khunyeli Sefofane Samuel 18-September-1928 April-1993
Khuzwayo Nnoseng Writer, women's rights campaigner, ANC member and politician 29-June-1914 19-April-2006
Khuzwayo Linda 11-November-1984
Khuzwayo Dingane
Khuzwayo Irvin
Khuzwayo Sibusiso
Khuzwayo Emmanuel March 1988
Khuzwayo Msayineke 1937 9 May 1961
Khuzwayo Sipo 1944 15 March 1964
Kibel Wolf Immigrant painter who is partly responsible for introducing expressionist oil painting to South African artists 16-December-1903 29-June-1938
Kies Benjamin Teacher, political activist, advocate and founder of the NEUM and member of the TLSA. 12-December-1917 19-December-1979
Kies Helen Member of the NEUM and TLSA, Editor of the Educational Journal, teacher political activist, political detainee, member of the Harold Cressy Alumni Society.  c.1926 2017 - 01- 13
Kikia Cassim
Kikile Qithi
King Peter
King jr Martin Luther Civil rights activist in the United States of America 1929 -1968 1968
Kingdom Mphahlele
Kingsley Nokeke
Kirchhoff Chris Photographer 1962
Kirkwood Fion Artist 08-April-1949
Kirkwood Mike
Kisten Moonsamy
Kistnasamy Gurunathen SASO Vice-president for Cultural Affairs, teacher, psychologist, newspaper columnist 28 December 1947
Kitchener A. 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome, also called Viscount Broome of Broome, Baron Denton of Denton, Baron Kitchener of Khartoum and of Aspall (from 1898), and Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum, of the Vaal, and of Aspall (from 1902), British field marshal, imperial administrator, commander in chief during the South African War, Secretary of State for War during World War I 24 June 1850 5 June 1916
Kiti Fikile
Kitson Ian

Mechanical engineer, member of the SACP and the MK High Command

25-August-1919 09-November-2010
Kitson Norma Member of Congress of Democrats and British Communist Party, member of the technical unit of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and founder of the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group. 18-August-1933 12-June-2002
Kiva Vumisile
Kiviti Mxolisi
Klaas Sigodwana
Klaas Jan
Klaas Ngeno
Klaasen Thandi Musician 27-September-1931 15-January-2017
Klaassen David
Kleinbooi Ngcongolo
Kleinschmidt Horst Gerhard Hermann  Anti-Apartheid Activist, leader within and member of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) and South African Christian Institute. He was detained under apartheid laws an 17 October 1945
Kleinschmidt Amgeline 08-September-1976
Kleya Hobo
Kloppenburg Theodore
Klugman Barbara
Knight Rudolf
Knight James
Knowledge Motaung
Koabitsa Maape
Koalana Doctor 26-December-1976
Koalana Willy 26-December-1976
Kobe Andile 20-March-1988
Kobedi Kabelo 25-June-1976
Kobo William
Koboka Welcome artist, teacher 1941 1997
Koboka Baden 1935 30 May 1967
Kobole Euginia
Kobus C. M Attorney, teacher and founding member of the NEUM 1927
Kodesh Wolfie

Political activist, journalist, member of the SACP and ANC and banned person

06-April-1918 18- October-2002
Kodisang Jerome
Koenig Dezso Sculptor 1902 1972
Kohler Charles

Founder of the Co-operative Wine Growers' Association of SA, or (KWV)

14 October 1862 6 February 1952
Kok Susanna Medical doctor and surgeon who pioneered techniques of diagnosing suspected leprosy, worked with leprosy patients in various parts of Africa and did much to dispel myths associated with the spread of the disease 04-July-1911 04-November-1985
Koka Kalushi Member of the Liberal Party, founder member of the Black Consciousness Movement and the Black Peoples’ Convention, Honorary president of Socialist Party of Azania trade unionist, teacher, Roman Catholic layman.  09-June-1927 20-December-2005
Koka Kgalushe
Kolisi Sipho
Kolisi Siyamthanda South African rugby union player, DHL Stormers and Springbok captain. 16 June 1991
Kolisile Kasi
Kolisile Willem
Koloane David

South African painter, art teacher, critic and curator whose work explores apartheid

Kolobi Herman
Kolonga David 31-December-1976
Kolovsohn A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)
Komane Bonisile 03-March-1986
Komane Bennet
Komani Brian 26.12.76
Komani James
Komanisi Edmund
Komape Linda Trade unionist and women’s rights activist 1949
Komnick Günther Farm hand, lithographer, graphic artist, photographer, author and Associate of the Royal Photographic Society 1929
Kompe Lydia

Trade unionist, women organiser and Member of Parliament 

Komsana James
Komsana Clippard
Kona Michael
Kona Michael
Kondile Bolente
Kondile Sizwe October 1981
Kondile Gcinisizwe 6 October 1957 October 1981
Kondlo Ncumisa Human rights and gender activist, member of the African National Congress and deputy chairperson and a member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party, MEC for Welfare in the Eastern Cape member of the National Executive Committee 27-March-1958 24-March-2008
Kondoti Malcomess

Member of the ANC and commander of the MK in the Border Region of the Eastern Cape. 

1924 1999
Kone Mbengeni 11-November-1986
Konile Zabonke 03-March-1986
Konings Paul Photographer and graphic artist 1958
Konqobe Percy sculptor, sangoma 1939
Konzapi Kawulezile
Kooae Maretile

Banished person

Kopane Isaac
Kopase Malose
Korasie Ndosi
Korjas Peter
Korotsoane Tatlheho 05-August-1984
Kotane Moses General secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa and Treasurer General of the African National Congress  09-August-1905 19-May-1978
Koti Ignatius
Koti Ignatius
Kotkin Annie A fundraiser for Inkululo and the Guardian.
Kottler Moses Sculptor 1892/6 08-March-1977
Kotu Collin
Kotze Theo

Reverend, banned person, lecturer, Regional Director of the Christian Institute, Recipient of the Grand Counsellor of The Order of the Baobab in Silver for his excellent contribution to the struggle against the injustices of the Apartheid system

19-May-1920 2003
Koza Daniel Political activist  1912 1964
Kozi Hoshe
Kraai Hamilton Political activist and ANC member
Krenya Mantyi
Kriegler Johann

Advocate, academic, judge of the Appellate Division and the Constitutional Court, Chair of the Electoral Commission and the Independent Electoral Commission.

Kriel Ashley Apartheid activist, Umkhonto we Sizwe operative 17-October-1966 09-July-1987
Krige Mattheus Major literary figure, author, poet and dramatist, war correspondent in WWII and anti-government activist  4 February 1910 10 August 1987
Krisjan Charlie
Krog Antje Journalist and poet 23 October 1952
Kruger Stephanus Voortrekker, politician, President of the Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek (ZAR) from, prominent social and political figure, key figure in conservation efforts and the establishment of the Kruger National Park. 10 October 1825 14 July 1904
Kruiper Dawid
Krunou Elias
Krunou Elias
Kube Peter
Kubeka Johannes 16-June-1976
Kubeka Felix
Kubeka Sipho
Kubheka Thulisile 07-November-1991
Kubheka Sibongile
Kuboni Gabriel Sculptor 1940 1984
Kuboni Julius Sculptor 1964 2000
Kuboni Mvuleni
Kuena Paul
Kuena Paul

Banished person

Kula Nqutyana
Kulile Mphahlaza
Kumalo Alfred Artist 4 January 1879 09-December- 1966
Kumalo Sydney Artist 13-April-1935 11-February-1988
Kumalo Basetsana

Former Miss South Africa, television personality, fashion icon, media mogul, business woman, philanthropist and wife to businessman Romeo Kumalo.

Kumalo Sydney Sidney Kumalo was an art instructor, sculptor and painter. 1935 1988
Kumalo Dumisani reporter, founder member of the Union of Black Journalists in South Africa, exiled person, lecturer, International Education Program Coordinator at Phelps Stokes Fund in New York, Projects Director for the Africa Fund and the American Committee on Africa, Director of the United States Desk at South Africa’s Department of Foreign Affairs,  Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations 16-September-1947 20-January-2019
Kumalo Zolile
Kumalo Joseph
Kumalo Phukwane
Kumalo Joseph (Anti-Pass) M.
Kunene Mazisi Poet, academic and founder of the and-apartheid movement in Britain. 12-May-1930 11-August-2006
Kunene Edward 18-June-1976
Kunene Norman 17-June-1976
Kunene Daniel Acclaimed linguist, scholar, award winning writer of short stories and poetry, human rights activist and community leader. 13-April-1923 27-May-2016
Kunene Bonginkosi
Kunene Jeremiah
Kuny Hillary
Kuny Denis
Kupe Fosi
Kushlick Taubie South African actress and producer 7-May-1911 13-March-1991
Kutaza Mqopi
Kutumela Lucky 05-April-1986
Kutwana Abraham
Kuzwayo Judson 25-August-1941 May-1985
Kuzwayo Fezekile Daughter, activist and poet 17-September-1974 08-October-2016
Kuzwayo Godfrey Rosenbaum Zibuse

Businessman, journalist and founding member of the African Democratic Party

1909 1965
Kwadi Gunston 26-August-1976
Kwame Kwame President of Ghana (1957 - 1966) 21 September 1909 27 April 1972
Kwantuy Magunyana
Kwape Mantwa 11-November-1987
Kwedi Mkhalipi
Kweyi John
Kwinana Gregory 17-June-1976
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