Yazeed Kamaldien is a freelance journalist and photographer living and working in Cape Town, South Africa. In 1998 he embarked on a four-year journalism BTech degree at Peninsula Technikon, which he completed in 2001. Part of the course was a section on photojournalism. Extra lessons in photography included a short course in the theory of black and white photography at the Cape Technikon and informal lessons with experienced photojournalists. 

"Photography allows me to tell stories with pictures. I live to tell stories. That's what I have been doing as a journalist and writer," says Kamaldien of his progression to photography. While he continues to write articles, photography also sustains him creatively.

"The next step, for me, is to tell stories with moving visuals, combining words and pictures in film. I'm really interested in progressing my storytelling to that level," Kamaldien explains. Although he is still fresh in the world of photojournalism, he has exhibited work at the District Six Museum and on the Internet. His photography has been published in various magazines and newspapers in South Africa. He has experience in print and radio journalism.

His work interests are varied, but mostly concentrated on social documentary as this allows him to see and capture life in this world through his lens. This current exhibition is a body of work that will continue to grow as time passes.