(6) | ( (1) | A (202) | B (433) | C (287) | D (408) | E (96) | F (158) | G (289) | H (254) | I (32) | J (240) | K (398) | L (260) | M (2109) | N (547) | O (35) | P (236) | Q (13) | R (148) | S (578) | T (290) | U (7) | V (103) | W (127) | X (23) | Y (19) | Z (103)
Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
da Silva Luis Inácio Lula Trade unionist, President of Brazil, for his outstanding contribution to the advancement of the agenda of the South and for the creation of a just and equitable system of global governance, awarded The Companions of OR Tambo in Gold.  27 October 1945
Daane-van Rensburg Jacqueline anti-Apartheid activist. 17-December-1937 Cape Town,South Africa
Dada Ndebele
Dadoo Yusuf Medical doctor, banned person, political prisoner, exile,President of the Indian Social Reform Society, Chair of the Madressa Anjuman Islamia of the Kholvad Mosque, Vice-chair of the National Anti-Pass Council, President of the TIC, Chair of the TIC 05-September-1909 19-September-1983
Dadoo Winnie
Dajee Bhanudey 08-September-1976
Daka Mandla
Dakuse Patrick 23-January-1989
Dala Sigodongo
Dala Zolani May 1989
Dalamba Siseko
Dalasile Douglas
Dali Sureboy 13-August-1981
Dalindyebo Dalindyebo 1865 1923
Dalindyebo Sabata Paramount Chief of the Thembu people 25-November-1928 07-April-1986
Dalinyebo Sabato
Dalisan Ntulo
Daliwonga Phineas 11-November-1985
Daliwonga Samora 11-November-1988
Daman Ceaser
Damane Mxolisi 1937 02-November-1963
Damane Bimmy
Dambalaza Dumisa 1934 22 May 1964
Dambuza Matthew
Damos Stella Madge Trade unionist, member of SACTU 1930
Danabathy Naidoo
Dandile Goliat
Dangala Johannes
Dangala Ebenezel
Dangala Ebenezer
Dangala Fizile
Dangor Ahmed
Dangor Achmat Poet, novelist, political and cultural activist, banned person, co-founder of Congress of South African Writers, worked at the Ford Foundation, director of advocacy, communications and leadership at United Nations Aids and CEO of Nelson Mandela Foundation. 1948 6 September 2020
Daniel R. Trade Unionist 1964
Daniel Molokisi
Daniel Dicha
Daniel Landu
Daniel Mafenuka
Daniel Mange
Daniel Masinga
Daniel Mkhwamubi
Daniel Mongena
Daniel Ntsoseng
Daniels Patrick 09-September-1976
Daniels John

A victim of June 16th. 

Daniels Kammips 07-September-1976
Daniels Edward
Daniels Edward 'Eddie' Member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LP), the African Resistance Movement (ARM) and Robben Island political prisoner.    25/10/1928 30 November 2017
Daniels Deon DJ; music producer; TV and radio presenter; Director of Community and Youth Development for NPC, GCAP/SR4A; precision drifting and stunt car driver 11 December 1968
Daniels Edward
Danisile Nokatywa
Dano Hymie
Dantile Lulamile
Dapula Mzwabantu
Daries Glen
Dart Raymond

Discovered the Taung child skull fossil, the first early hominid fossil.

4 February 1893 22 November 1988
Darvall Denise World's first successful human heart-transplant donor 1943 1967
Dasheka David
Dasheka David
Dastile Nosipho Community activist, anti-apartheid activist, founding member of the UDF, first president of the Uitenhage Women’s Organisation, chairperson of the ANCWL 1938 May 2009
David Feni
David Hlongwane
David Jale
David Johannes
David Magagula
David Maloma
David Matshoba
David Mmutle
David Mokgosi
David Morake
David Mzimkulu
David Ndawonde
David Nhlapo
David Pitze
David Devadas Anti-Apartheid activist, liberation struggle hero, Secretary of the Natal Indian Congress Youth Congress, involved in the revival of the Natal Indian Congress in the early 1970s, Secretary of the Natal Indian Congress and the Release Mandela Committee, active in the United Democratic Front, sought refuge with five others in the British Consulate in the 1980s 26 August 1940 13 August 2020
Davide Motlhabedi
Davids Ephraim
Davids Leigh 25 March 1979 27 February 2019
Davies Joan 02-December-1909 06-January-1984
Davis Lionel Artist and ex Robben Island political prisoner 21-June-1936
Davis Michael South African photographer and photojournalist 1955
Davis Robert
Davis David
Davis David
Davis Thomas

business person and philanthropist, assisted in establishing Howard College, responsible for starting the South African Navy, established the Howard Davis War Fund to assist soldiers who had served outside South Africa during the Second World War

25 April 1867 27 September 1942
Davis Mary

teacher, business person, supporter of women’s causes, established the Peter Davis Infants’ Home, President of the Pietermaritzburg Benevolent Society, President of the South African War Graves Board, founding member of the South African Na

26 December 1858 24 March 1929
Davis Jennifer 1933 15-October-2019
Davis Don
Davis Rev Don
Davos Vuyisile 06-November-1984
Daweti Mncedisi
Dawetti Thompson
Dawood Ayesha Bibi "Asa" Political and women's activist and trade unionist 31-January-1927
Dawood Mahomed Hajee
Dawood Abdul "Apamai" Vice president of the Transvaal Indian Congress, member of the United Democratic Front (UDF) and ANC, Community activist. October 1935 02-January-2012
Dawood Hadjie
Dawuse Sampuka
Dawuse Sampuka
Dayal Bhawani Sannyassi Campaigner for Indian rights 1892 1950
Dayeni Mabibi 1936
Dayimani Kenese
Dayimani Nokeke
Dayoni Mabibi
Dazana Walter
De Lange Damian
De Beer Zacharias "Zac" Medical doctor, politician and leader of the Progressive Federal Party (PFP) and chairman of Anglo-American mining company, ambassador to Netherlands 11-October-1928 27-May-1999
De Beer David
de Bruin Evelina Member of the ‘Upington 14', political prisoner 25-December-1933 25-March-2012
De Groot Paul Dutch actor and producer in the Netherlands, Dutch East Indies and South Africa. 11-January-1878 10-May-1942
de Jongh Marthinils (Tinus) Johannes 1885 1942
De Keller David
de Keller Guy A member of the African Resistance Movement (ARM) and the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA)
de Keyser Ethel Artist and underground ANC activist 04-November-1926 16-July-2004
de Klerk Frederik State President of South Africa from 1989 to 1994. In 1990 he opened negotiations with previously banned anti-apartheid organizations. De Klerk was appointed the Second Vice President in President Mandela’s cabinet. 18 March 1936 11 November 2021
de Klerk Johannes (Jan) teacher, member of the National Party and Minister of Education, Art & Science, Senator and Father of former Pres. F.W. de Klerk 22 July 1903 24 January 1979
de Kock Eugene
De Koningh Anna Freed enslaved woman, wife of Olof Bergh, owner of Groote Constantia. circa 1656 1734
de la Rey Jacobus Herculaas Known as Koos de la Rey, a Boer general during the Second Boer War. 22 October 1847 15 September 1914
De Lange Damian
De Lille Patricia Politician, former member of PAC, trade unionist, founder and a leader of Independent Democrats (ID) and Mayor of Cape Town. 17-February-1951
de Mist Jacob

Lawyer, Batavian governor and founder of Uitenhage, Eastern Cape.

20-April-1749 03-August-1823
de Sousa Njinga Ana 1583 17-December-1663
De Villiers Anna

Author, educator and first female principal of Huguenot University College

24-December-1900 01-November-1975
De Villiers Dawid (Dawie) Member of the National Party, SA rugby captain, lecturer, reverend, ambassador to London and cabinet minister 10-July-1940
De Villiers Petrus (Fanie) Cricket player and commentator 13-October-1964
de Villiers Izak Dominee, poet, author and editor 30-July-1936 27-September- 2009
De Villiers Anna Linguist, writer, and educator 24 December 1900 1 November 1979
De Vlieg Gille Photographer and activist, member of Afrapix 26-July-1940
De Vriendt Franciscus Flemish pioneer of Afrikaans theatre. 1886**1874 27 July 1946
de Vries Abraham Short Story Writer, Art Editor, Lecturer, Director, Chairperson of the Afrikaans Writers' Guild 9 February 1937
de Waal Nicholaas
De Wet Christiaan A great Boer general and rebel leader. His name is inextricably woven into the epic struggle of Afrikaners for independence from British rule in South Africa. 07-October-1854 03-February-1922
de Wet Barend Artist 4 January 1956 18 March 2017
de Wet Justice Judge in the 1963-1964 Rivonia Trail
Deane Edgar Arthur Trade union activist and politician 1908
Degenaar Johannes Jacobus Philosopher and Lecturer. 7 March 1926
Deleki Wedweni
Dellums Ronald The radical Congress member who fought against war, Apartheid and  poverty
24 November 1935 30 July 2018
Dellums Ronald The radical Congress member who fought against war, Apartheid and  poverty 24 November 1935 30 July 2018
Demo Gilbert 21-March-1960
Den Bakker J.
Denga Luzuko
Deon Michels
Derek Naidoo
Derrick Muthwa
Desai Amina South Africa’s longest serving female Indian political prisoner c.1920 10-June-2009
Desai Rissik Political activist, Vice President of SACPO, journalist, lawyer and member of the PAC 10-April-1932 30 October 1997
Desai Jivan
Desai Rissik 10 April 1932 30 October 1997
Desai P.
Desai Amina 1920 2009
Desai Ebrahim
Desai Jivan
Deshmukh Ramrao Madhaurao figh Commissioner 1945 - 1946. 1892
Desmond Fial Artist 1908 1993
Desmond Ncamane
Desmond Father
deVilliers Andre 18 August 1992
Dexter Mkhabile
Deyi Gladman
Dhladhla Johannes 1936 2016
Dhlamini Temba 1927 1985
Dhlamini Francis
Dhlamini Martha
Dhlamini Chief
Dhlamini Nontombi
Dhlamini Thompson

Banished person

4 March 1965
Dhlamini Stephen 1912 1994
Dhlamissi Phillip
Dhlomo Oscar Member for Umbumbulu, KwaZulu Legislative Assembly, Minister of Education and Culture, KwaZulu, Secretary General, Inkatha yeNkululeko yeSizwe, Executive Chairman, Institute for Multi-Party Democracy. 28-December-1943 29-August-2008
Dhlomo Herbert Political activist, academic, journalist, playwright, poet 26 February 1903 23 October 1956
Dhlomo Sicelo 25 January 1988
Dhlomo-Mautloa Bongiwe (Bongi) Artist (printmaker), art administrator and activist  25 June 1956
Dhlwati Johnson

Political activist and member of the ANC

Diale Letsau Community activist, MK member, Member of Parliament, for his excellent contribution to the struggle against apartheid and for his selfless sacrifice for the attainment of freedom for all in South Africa was awarded The Order of Luthuli in Silver. 01-January-1936 08-January-2015
Diamond Issy
Dias Bartholomeu Portuguese navigator discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1488 and maritime explorer circa 1450 24 May 1500
Diba Jacob
Diba Vuyisile
Dibate Oben
Dibate Oben
Dibetso Johannes
Dibetso Johannes
Dichaba Gabriel

Member of the ANC

Dichabe Daniël
Dick Nelson
Dick Samuel
Dick Nancy

Member of the Textile Workers Union, member of the Black Sash, and anti-apartheid activist and communist proponent.

Dick Nelson
Dick Samuel
Dickson Fuyani
Dickson Yayase
Didcott Justice President of NUSAS, founder member of the Liberal Party, Chancellor of UDW, Judge of the Natal Provincial Division, member of the Special Electoral Court,  Judge in the Constitutional Court, visiting scholar at the Law School of Columbia Universit 14-August-1931 20-October-1998
Diedericks Lily
Diedericks Lillian

Women’s rights activist, trade unionist, shop steward, founder member of the Federation of South African Women, member of the South African Communist Party, one of the 1956 women’s march leaders, recipient of the Government’s National Order for advancing democracy in the country

Digabane Sydney
Dikana Mzandile
Dikeledi Paul
Dikeni Sandile Political prisoner, poet, journalist, and editor 1966 9 November 2019
Dikiza Michael
Diko Robert
Diko Robert
Diko Robert
Dikobo Jacob

Youth Director of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA), Black Consciousness Movement activist and member of AZANLA, Member of the Central Committee of the NACTU and President of AZAPO

22 February 1962
Dime Kekana
Dimo Gilbert 21-March-1960
Dinat Ramnie   Political activist, political prisoner, member of the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, exiled person, active in the ANC, Anti-Apartheid Movement and International Defence and Aid Fund.
Dinat Mohamed Political activist, secretary of the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, member of the Communist Party of South Africa, active in the Anti-Apartheid Movement, political prisoner, exiled person, active in the ANC, worked for the Anti-Apartheid Movement in the Middle East, Greece and Botswana- while in exile, advocate of solar energy for informal settlements, worked in local governance Post-Apartheid, active in the ANC Kagiso and Azaadville branch, Town Clerk of Krugersdorp municipality, advocate for gender equity through academia.  14 October 1937 8 December 2015
Dinca Siphiwo
Dindala Velile
Dindikazi Mbungwa
Dindikazi Dindi
Dingake Michael Member of the ANC, SACP and MK, author and columnist 11-February-1928
Dingana Tom
Dingane Mdlalose
Dingane Tom
Dinge Mongameli
Dingiswayo Dingiswayo Paramount Chief of the Mthethwa 1770
Dinonyane David
Dintoe Paul June 1993
Dintsi Samson
Dintsi Simon
Dinuzulu Dinuzulu King of the Zulu. 1868 18 October 1913
Dinuzulu Magogo Zulu Princess, musician and poet who contributed to the development of traditional music in South Africa and was an authority on Zulu traditions, history and folklore. Her son is Inkatha Freedom Party leader, Chief Mangosuthu 1900 1984
Dipale Ernest 08-August-1982
Dipheko Dipitse
Dipheko Chiloane 1936 2006
Diphoko Patrick
Dipico Emsley First Premier of the Northern Cape Province
Dipitse Hermaans
Direko Abram
Dirk-Uys Pieter 28 September 1945
Discipline Nkonyani
Diseko Mathews
Diseko Mathews
Ditheko Pinkie
Ditsebe Peter
Ditsego Rebecca
Ditshabako Brenda
Dixon Leng Artist 1916 1968
Dlabati Phutuhile
Dlabati Putuhile
Dladla Titus 11-November-1982
Dladla Simon
Dladla Cedric
Dladla Jackson
Dladla Mzala
Dladla Cedric
Dladla Payiyana 1932 5 September 1961
Dladla Barney I.
Dlali David Member of the ANC and MK, Member of Parliament and Special Adviser to the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities 23 January 1960 11 June 2012
Dlamini Stephen J. C. Trade unionist, Chairperson of the African Textile Workers’ Union, 1956 Treason Trialist, President of SACTU, Robben Island prisoner, Member of the ANC’s National Executive Council and its Revolutionary Council and recipient of the Order of 30-November-1913 29-April-1994
Dlamini Christopher Trade Unionist. 10-October-1944 19-November-2009
Dlamini Bafana MK struggle veteran, member of the ANC and Brigadier General in the SANDF. 1936 17-September-2011
Dlamini Emmanuel 26-December-1976
Dlamini Themba
Dlamini Moses
Dlamini Temba
Dlamini Zenzele
Dlamini Joseph
Dlamini David
Dlamini Douglas
Dlamini Fikile
Dlamini Gangamshini
Dlamini George
Dlamini Johannes
Dlamini Mavela
Dlamini Mzanempi
Dlamini Patrick
Dlamini Sekby
Dlamini Gilbert
Dlamini Joseph
Dlamini Caiphus April 1993
Dlamini Sidumo trade unionist and president of COSATU
Dlamini Philip
Dlamini Gilbert
Dlamini Martha
Dlamini-Zuma Nkosazana ANC member, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Health, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chair of the African Union 27-January-1949
Dlanjda Mlamli
Dlanza Dennis 27-Decembe-1976
Dlevu Johnson
Dlevu Johnson
Dlodlo Victor
Dlokolo Mpompi
Dlokolo Mpompi
Dlomo Amos
Dlomo Sibongiseni
Dlomo Mapiki
Dlomo Mapiki
Dlomo Albert Member of the ANC and MK, political prisoner, National Chairperson MKVA and former advisor to the Minister of Defence.
Dludla Reginald
Dlwata J.
Dlwati Bonisile 2001
Dlwati Bonisile
Docrat Abdul Khalek Mohamed Abdul Khalek Mohamed Docrat, AKM or “Doc” as he was popularly known, was one of the leading political activists in the Natal Indian Congress and Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA). 15 September 1915 15 February 2003
Dodo Fanelekile
Dodo Zibongile 1935 31 October 1967
Doke Joseph J Political Activist and a Baptist Church Minister.
Domtsa Mellville 26-December-1976
Dondashe Simon
Donkin Rufane

British  general, colonel and Governor at the Cape

1772 01-May-1841
Donnovan Saayman
Doorsamy Kirsten
dos Santos (nee Beira) Pamela Politcal activist, member of ANC Women's League 19-June-1942
Douglas Robert
Douglas Mangenda
Douglas Gabula
Douglas Mkaba
Douglas Mthetho
Douglas Zulu
Douglas Robert
Douglas Mangenda
Douglas Irvine
Douwes-Dekker Louis

Assistant General Secretary of TUCSA, chairman of the Urban Training Project, university lecturer and banned person.

Douwes-Dekker Loet
Dowling Kevin Priest at the St. Joseph’s Mission, which became a place of refuge for activists in the Boputhatswana Homeland in the 1980s, current Bishop of Rustenburg. 14 February 1944
Doyle Mollie
Doyle Mnyamana
Doyle Gerald 1931
Doyle Alan
Doyle (nee Anderson) Molly
Drake Elizabeth Artist 1866 1954
Drelase Ciliza 1941
Driver Jonty President of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS), political detainee, educator, poet and writer. 1939
Driver Jponty A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Banned by the apartheid government.
Dryburgh David A member of the Communist Party of South Africa
Du Plessis Barend Teacher,  MP for Florida, 1974; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education and Training, 1983-84; Minister of Finance, 1984-1992. 19-January-1940
du Plessis Hein Photographer 13 February 1967
Du Plessis George
du Plessis Menan A member of the South African Communist Party
Du Preez Hettie leader of the Garment Workers Union, convenor of first conference of the Federation of South African Women, prominent role in the founding of the African People’s Organisation.
Du Preez Antonio
du Toit Jacobus Author 1847 1911
du Toit Bettie Trade unionist 15-July-1910 31-January-2002
Du Val Charles Elocutionist and journalist 19-March-1810 14-June-1872
Duarte Jessie Former South African High Commissioner to Mozambique, provincial secretary of the Federation of Transvaal Women, banned person, political detainee, Chief Operations Officer in the Presidency, previous National Spokesperson for the ANC,  Deputy Secretary General of the ANC, member of the ANC NEC, UDF and SACP 19 September 1953 17 July 2022
Dubani Rufus
Dubani Sikenke
Dubase Hamilton
Dubasi Philemon
Dube Lucky  South African musical artist and was attributed as one of the world's greatest reggae superstars 03-August-1964 18-October-2007
Dube John Educator, politician, author, minister of the Congregational (American Board) Church, founder member and first president of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC). 22 February 1871 11 February 1946
Dube Molebogeng
Dube Nokutela (nee Mdima) Musician, founder member of the Daughters of Africa and wife of John Langalibalele Dube.  1873 25-January-1917
Dube Lulu Daughter of African National Congress (ANC) Founder, John Langalibalele Dube  1931 26-May-2016
Dube John
Dube Moses
Dube Molebogeng
Dube Johanna
Dube Frederick
Dubeni Zola 11-November-1987
Dubu Prince
Dubu Prince
Dubula Isaac
Dude Lesley
Dudley Richard

Teacher, member of the Anti-CAD Movement and the Non European Unity Movement (NEUM) and President of the New Unity Movement.

1924 31 May 2009
Dudumashe Elliot
Dugmore Cameron A member of the End Conscription Campaign, also part of the University of Cape Town SRC
Duiker Kabelo Sello

Author, Screenwriter and Editor

13 April 1974 19 January 2005
Dukada Sisa 1940
Dukada Sisa
Dukumbana Mbuzeli
Dullaart Thys Artist
Duma Sibusiso 28 June 1978
Duma Alfred
Duma Sinandu
Duma Gcina
Duma Martine
Duma Sinandu
Duma Thamsanga
Duma Alfred
Duma Thamsanqa
Dumbleton Bertram Artist 1896 1966
Dumela David
Dumezweni Nyeni
Dumisa Robert
Dumisane Zulu
Duncan Patrick Took part in the Defiance Campaign, national organiser of the Liberal Party and member of the PAC 29-June-1918 04-June-1967
Duncan Sheena Teacher, politcal activist and leader of the women's organisation Black Sash. 07-December-1932 04-May-2010
Duncan Patrick Barrister and First South African Governor-General 21-December-1870 17-July-1943
Duncan Florence
Dunga Gidliza 01-December-1976
Dunjana Bongani
Dunjwa Jeremiah Court Interpreter, teacher, editor and ANC member 1935
Dunjwa J.
Dunlop Penelope Singer and songwriter 16-July-1960
Dwaba Lungelo
Dwaba Lungelo
Dwai Jan
Dwai Jan
Dwane James Mata Church Leader 1848 1916
Dwashu Maqikela
Dweba Toto 25 August 1985
Dyakala Kholisile 1955 24 November 1988
Dyams Given
Dyams Given
Dyamse Pasuja
Dyani Malcolm
Dyani Malcolm
Dyantyi Ntolose
Dyebi Fred
Dyer Steve Musician  1960
Dyonase Elvis
Dyonase Elvis
Dyosini Acting
Dywili Mfundo
Dywshu Thembinkosi 26 August 1992
D’Oliveira Basil English test cricketer who was banned from playing in South Africa, awarded the Companion of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen of England.  04-October-1931 19-November-2011
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