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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Cachalia Amina Political activist, member of the TIYC and TIC, treasurer of FEDSAW, patron of the Federation of Transvaal Women, arrested during the 1952 Defiance Campaign, participated in the 1956 Women’s March against pass laws, banned person, Trustee of the 28-June-1930 31-January-2013
Cachalia Ahmed Political Activist and political prisoner.
Cachalia Azhar Political activist, former treasurer of the United Democratic Front, Judge and Law Expert. 26-June-1956
Cachalia Ismail Political activist and exile. A leading member of the Transvaal Indian Congress and the African National Congress. Prominent in 1946 Indian Passive Resistance Campaign and the 1952 Defiance Campaign. 05-December-1908 08-August-2003
Cachalia Yusuf Political Activist. 15-January-1915 10-April-1995
Cachalia Yusaf 1915
Cachalia Firoz


Author, political activist, political detainee, banned person, secretary of the Benoni Student Movement, President of the Black Students’ Society at Witwatersrand University, secretary of the Actonville Rents Action Committee, Vice

22 July 1958
Caiphus Mashilo
Cajee Dawood 1899
Cajee Mohamed
Cajee Mohamed 1937
Calata James Former Secretary-General of the ANC (1936-1949), political activist and Anglican clergyman 22-July-1895 16-June-1983
Calata Fort Teacher, community leader, political activist and member of the UDF. One of the ‘Cradock Four’ murdered by the South African security forces in the Eastern Cape. 05-November-1956 27-June-1985
Caleb Mayekiso DCaleb Mayekiso was memebr of the African National Congress (ANC), he was a leading figure in the ANC military wing called uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK), and he was a unionists/political activist. 
Caleni Charles
Caleni Charles
Callinicos Luli Social historian, lecturer, researcher and writer 10-November-1936
Cama Nadirshah

Member of the Transvaal British India Association, Vice-President of the Transvaal Indian Congress, passive resister, political prisoner

1870 September 1945
Camagu Zuko
Camay N.
Cambell Floyd 11-November-1987
Cameron Edwin Activist and advocator of equality, human rights, gay rights and health and HIV/aids rights. Cameron is a practicing lawyer and former Acting Justice of the South African Constitutional Court 1999-2000. 15-February-1953
Cameron Madikizela
Campbell Margaret Roach Book collector, historian, writer and antiquarian 09-September-1881 28-September-1965
Campbell John
Campbell Ngalo
Campoi Siabilelo
Camroodeen H.
Canca Richard 1924
Canca Richard S.

Educator, attorney and political activist

Canitz George Paul 1874 1959
Canzi Lisa
Carlson Shirindza
Carlson Jeanette

preschool teacher, anti-apartheid activist, leader of the Black Sash, active member of Mothers (and Others) Against the Vietnam Draft and other non-violent resistance groups

21 June 1929 18 August 2020
Carmichael Libazi
Carneson Sarah Trade unionist, member of the SACP, political activist, political prisoner, banned person and exile. 17-June-1916 30-October-2015
Carneson Fred Journalist and business manager of the New Age, member of the CPSA Central Committee, political prisoner and defendant in the 1956 Treason Trial.  13-January-1920 08-September-2000
Carneson Lynn Member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement. Member of the African National Congress.
Carneson Ruth Member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement. Member of the African National Congress
Carneson John
Carolissen Gasant 02-September-1976
Carolissen Ronald 09-September-1976
Carolus Cheryl Student leader, teacher, General Secretary of the UDF, member of UWO and General Secretary of FEDSAW, Member of the SACP, ANC and  business person. 20-April-1959
Carstens Nicolaas “Nico” Legendary accordion player and composer of boeremusiek. 10-February-1926 01-November-2016
Carter Sydney 1874 1945
Casalis Mokitlane Mokitlae Casalis joined the South African Student Movement during the 1970s whilst at school. From then he became a political activist. This led him to become part of the democratic government of South Africa after 1994, serving in many of the governme
Case Diane Author, community worker and mother. 05-July-1955
Cassidy Michael 1936
Cassiem Achmad

Founder member of Qibla, member of the PAC, Robben Island political prisoner and advisor to the Islamic Human Rights Commission

Cassoojee S.
Castens Herbert Rugby And cricket player, captain of SA's first rugby team and of SA's first touring cricket team 23 November 1864 18 October 1929
Caswell Mbelebele
Cathcart George 12 May 1794 5 November 1854
Catherine Norman South African artist, critic of the apartheid regime, educator and promoter of Black artists September 1949
Cato George Natal pioneer and first mayor of Durban. 25 February 1814 9 July 1893
Cawthra Gavin Member of COSAWR.
Ceba Hoseman
Cebisi Edward
Cecil Mgogi
Cedric Wilcox
Cekisani Bonisile
Cekiso Jackson
Cekiso Jackson 1959
Ceku Mvula (approx 1988)
Cela Johannes 04-November-1984
Cele Henry Footballer and actor 30-January-1949 02-November-2007
Cele Edwin 09-July-1987
Cele Wanda
Cele Njabala
Cele Bhekokwakhe
Cele Ndose
Cele Bungo
Cele Bungo
Cele Bhekokwakhe (Bheki)

Teacher, Minister of Police (2018 - present), MEC for Transport, Safety and Security for Kwa-Zulu-Natal from 2004 to 2009, National Commissioner of the South African Police Service from 2009 to 2011, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from 2014 to 2018, Founding Member of the National Education Union of South Africa, Member of the African National Congress Executive Committee, member of the African National Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe, political prisoner on Robben Island 

22 April 1952
Celliers Jan Afrikaans poet and author 12-January-1865 01-June-1940
Cere Hoseham
Cetshwayo Cetshwayo The last king of the independent Zulu nation from 1872-1879 1826 1884
Cetu Churchill
Cetu Churchill
Cetyiwe Obodiah
Cetyiwe Obadiah
Cetyiwe Xhamela
Cezala Bonekeli 31-December-1976
Chabane Ohm Collins Member of the African National Congress (ANC) underground, prisoner on Robben Island, previous MEC for Limpopo’s Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, current Minister in the Presidency and musician. 15-April-1960 15-March-2015
Chabod Mpilo
Chabod Mpilo
Chachalia Amina 1930 2013
chair NUMSA 8 August 1992
Chaka Andries
Chaka Ephraim Victim of the Sharpeville Massacre, 21 March 1960 1924 21 March 1960, Sharpeville, Transvaal (now Gauteng)
Chaka Andries
Chakela Walter Playwright, poet, theatre director, broadcaster, arts administrator, Pan-African activist, founding member of AWA, MAWAFO, Soyikwa Institute of African Theatre, METGRO, member of COSAW, Artistic Director at Windybrow Centre for the Arts, Mmabane Cultural Centre, involved in BCM, honoured by Pan African Writers’ Association, founding president of NWASA 13 April 1953 15 May 2020
Chamber Ncebtsha
Chamberlain Joseph 8 July 1836 2 July 1914
Chames Mike A Businessman
Chamile Andries (General China) ANC member and 1956 Treason trialist 1900
Chamile Mokone
Chamile Andrew
Champion Allison Trade unionist, political activist and civic leader. 4 December 1893 29 September 1975
Champion George Missionary 1810 1841
Chamusso Roggerio
Chanco Boy 4 August 1991
Channon Charles
Channon Charles
Chapman T.
Charles Bam He was judge-president of the Lands Claim Co
Charles Gans
Charles Ngqibisa
Charles Ramokate
Charley Januarie
Charlie Eric
Charlie Krisjan
Charlie Mkele
Charlie Ndibi
Charlimagne Tommy
Charlimagne Tommy
Charliman Tommy
Chaskalson Arthur Chief Justice of democratic South Africa, first President of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, President of the International Commission of Jurists, Chairperson of a committee of senior judges appointed by the United Nations Environmental Progr 24 November 1931 1 December 2012
Chauke Sipho
Chauke Ditshabako
Chauke Elijah
Chauke Sipho
Chawe Gijimani
Cheadle Halton

Lawyer and labour activist

30 July 1949
Chechanovsky Israel A member of the Communist Party of South Africa
Cherry Janet General Secretary of the National Union of South African Students, Member of the United Democrat 12-October-1961
Chetty Appiah Trade unionist, social worker, political prisoner, banned person, member of the Natal Indian Congress, United Democratic Front and the African National Congress, Deputy Mayor of Msundusi Municipality 3 April 1929 2 September 2000
Chetty Iyavar
Chetty Saravanan 1929 2000
Chiba Ishwarlal

Member of the TIC, SACP, MK and ANC, Member of Parliament, recipient of The National Order of Luthuli in Silver

05-November-1930 08-December-2017
Chibane Samuel Political activist and PAC member Unknown Unknown
Chicken Magola
Chief of the Bamokoteli Moshoeshoe I Chief of the Bamokoteli c.1786 11 March 1870
Chifunyise Stephen playwright, artist, cultural activist, lobbyist for safeguarding cultural heritage and cultural development, life member of the board of trustees of Harare International Festival of the Arts and Zimbabwean Minister of Education and Culture. 21 September 1948 5 August, 2019
Chikane Frank Pastor, member of the UDF and the ANC, Director-General in the Office of the President; Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town; Honorary President of the  Nebo Youth Congress and Co-ordinator of the 3 January 1951
Chikane Mabokela 1948 August 14
Chikerema James Robert Dambaza fe played an important role in Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence from the 1950s-1970s, but became critical of the government of President Robert Mugabe. Served as the President of the Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe and launched the Zimb 2 April 1925 22 March 2006
Chiliza Tsitze
Chiliza Tsitze
Chiliza Tsitsi 14 May 1987
Chiloane Ananias
Chiloane Abel
Chiloane Abel
Chiloane Ananias
Chilwane Jama (approx 1991)
Chimane Loate
China Lwana
Chirwa James
Chirwa Alec
Chiwayo Lazarus
Chiyi Sigubudu
Choabi Seretse
Choba Jan 29 May 1992
Choene Mamokgalake
Choene Mamokgalake
Choene Mamokgalake

Banned person.

Cholo Tlou
Cholo Tlou

Trade unionist,  African National Congress member, uMkhonto weSizwe cadre and the Order of Luthuli award winner

Choma Sydney

ANC and PAC Member, Robben Island prisoner

06 June 1956
Choncho Sibusiso
Christie Renfrew

Deputy President of NUSAS, political prisoner, Member of the ANC and the UCM, Scholar and Academic, member of the South African NationalDefenceForce Commission, Dean of Research at UWC.

Christopher Zuleika Medical doctor, member of the NEUM, Chairperson of the Durban APDUSA branch, banned person, political prisoner and exiled person. 1924 March 1992
Christopher Piet 03/03/86
Christopher Hadebe
Christopher Hlongwa
Christopher Ketani
Christopher Khumalo
Christopher Sakutu
Christopher Sidlayiwa
Christopher Webster
Christopher Dr.
Church Freda 1901 1970
Churchill Winston Journalist, British Prime Minister 1874 1965
Churchill James
Cikozani Mzwakhe
Ciliza Delase
Cillie Martha Teacher and headmistress 22-April-1866 16-March-1966
Cindi Nyangana An activist and trade unionist. Secretary General of Black People’s Convention (BPC)s and National Chairperson of Azanian People's Organization (AZAPO). 18-August-1950
Cindi Edmund
Cirja Singh
Ckisani Bonisile
Clarisson Mtwasa
Clarke Peter Poet, book illustrator, artist, recipient of The National Order of Ikhamanga for excellence in the fields of arts and literature 02-June-1929 13-April-2014
Claude Matsha
Clegg Jonathan South African musician, anthropologist, recipient of the South African Presidential Award, The Order of Ikhamanga in Silver, for 'bridging African traditional music with other music forms, promoting racial understanding among racially divided groups in South Africa under difficult apartheid conditions, working for a non-racial society and being an outstanding spokesperson for the release of political prisoners.'. 07 June 1953 16 July 2019
Clement Baadjies
Cleminshaw Dorothy

Member of the Black Sash, member of the

15 September 1922 18 December 2011
Clifford Maziya
Clipperd Komana
Cloete Hestrie Commonwealth and African High Jump Record Holder, recipient of the National order for excellence in sports 26-August-1978
Cloete Joseph 09-September-1976
Close Rex A trade unionist and member of the Communist Party of South Africa
Close Sylvia A member of the Communist Party of South Africa
Coangae John
Coangae John
Coaster Budaza
Cobbing Julian Documentary photographer, English historian and professor of history 1944
Cobden Audrey Anti-apartheid activist, worked for LPSA and Treason Trials Defence Fund, played essential role in 1957 bus boycott, founded DWEP 15 April 1923 29 March 2016
Cock Jacklyn She was an Academic Sociologist
Cock William

Entrepreneur, member of the Cape Legislative Council, established the Kowie Navigation Company, he was the first person to directly export goods from the Eastern Cape to Britain and Mauritius and founder of the harbour at Port Alfred.

circa 1793 1876
Coertse Mimi Vocalist and South Africa's First Operatic prima donna 12-June-1932
Coetsee Hendrik Lawyer, politician, administrator and negotiator during the transition to democracy in SA 19-April-1931 29-July-2000
Coetzee Basil Musician, liberation struggle activist and volunteer. 02-February-1944 12-March-1998
Coetzee Dirk Commander of the covert SA Police unit based at Vlakplaas 15-April-1945 07- March-2013
Coetzee John

"I am not a herald of community or anything else. I am someone who has intimations of freedom (as every chained prisoner has) and constructs representations of people slipping their chains and turning their faces to the light."

9 February 1940
Coetzee Johan Police security officer, Liliesleaf Raid
Coetzee Michael Helped build student, trade union and political formations, trade unionist, member of the UDF, ANC and MK, political prisoner and Secretary of South Africa’s Parliament 25 August 1959 13 June 2014
Cohen Gideon
Cohen Aspasia A member of the Communist Part of South Africa and the Anti-Apartheid Movement
Cohen Leslie A memeber of the Communist Party of South Africa
Cohen Neville
Cohen Derek A member of the African Resistance Movement (ARM)
Cohen Harry A member of the African Resistance Movement (ARM)
Cohn Gertrude A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA)
Coka Jameson Journalist, trade unionist and member of the SACP and the ANC 1910 1960s
Cole Philip Tennyson fortraitist 1862 1939
Cole Ernest The first photojournalist to expose to the world the stark realities of life under the Apartheid regime 21 March 1940 19 February 1990
Coleman Max
Coleman Colin A member of SASPU
Coleman Audrey

Anti Apartheid activist, member of Black Sash and the Detainees Parents Support Committee (DPSC).

Coleman Keith
Colenso Harriette Emily Anglican Missionary and Pamphleteer 1847 1932
Colin Mkumqwana
Colin Ndern
Coliyati Hloyi
Collin Sehlapelo
Collins John Anglican Priest, Anti Apartheid Activist, Founder of the International Defence and Aid Fund, (IDAF).  23-March-1905 31-December-1982
Columbus Mazibuko
Conco Wilson Medical doctor, national treasurer of the ANC Youth League in 1950s, member of the ANC, 1956 Treason trialist. 1919
Congress Xakana
Coni Mlyase
Conjwa Henry
Conrad Lekhumbi
Consalves Bertram
Contriens Frank
Cook Alan A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). 09-September-1976
Cooke Rodney 25-September-1976
Cooper Sathasivan "Saths" Vice President of the NIC,Member of the BC movement, Secretary of the BPC, Vice President of AZAPO, Vice Principal of UDW, political activist and Psychologist. 11-December-1950
Cooper David A medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, and member of MYS
Cooper Wilfrid athlete, cricketer, established a branch of NUSAS at Stellenbosch University, Vice-President, National Secretary for Economics and Politics and National Director of Research and Studies of NUSAS, advocate and Senior Counsel at the Cape Bar, University law lecturer, author, authority on South African road traffic legislation and Judge. 22 May 1926 4 March 2004
Cooper Gertrude editor of the Women’s section of the Cape Times 24-November-1924 14-April-2002
Cooper Revabalan
Cooper Revabalan
Cooper Sathasivan 1950
Coovadia Hoosen Natal Indian Congress, United Democratic Front and African National Congress activist, medical doctor, academic, researcher, scientist, and author. 02-August-1940 4 October 2023
Coovadia Jerry
Cope Jack
Cope Lesley
Copelyn John A member of the Institute for Industrial Education (IIE).
Cormack Alan Scientist, invovled in desiging first CAT-Scan machine and recipient of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Pysiology or Medicine February 1924 7 May 1998
Cornelius Hester Trade Unionist, Garment Worker’s Union, Playright 05-April-1907 15-August-1978
Cornelius Johanna Catharina Jacoba
Cornelius Johanna Trade Unionist, General Secretary of the Garment Worker’s Union  27-February-1912 21-June-1974
Cornelius Johanna Catharina Jacoba and Hester Elizabeth (Sis sisters, trade unionists
Cornelius Maakane
Cothoza Ntsikelelo 06/08/88
Cothoza Nontsikelelo Nontsikelelo June-Rose Cothoza was a member of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) and died in an ambush undertaken by Eugene De Kock’s death squad while attempting to return to South Africa from exile in Swaziland.  June 1967 8 June 1988
Coto Balfour
Coventry Roy A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Banned by the apartheid government.
Cox Alex A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA) and the African Resistance Movement (ARM)
Craighead David

An anti-apartheid activist, member and National Vice Chairman of the Liberal Party and Chairman of the South African Defence and Aid

28 December 1918 2 August 2008
Cranko Robin
Cranko Robin
Cressy Harold Educationist, teacher, and civil rights activist 1 February 1889 23 August 1916
Cronin Jeremy Deputy General Secretary of SACP, Deputy Minister of Transport, theorist, poet and skilful writer. University Lecturer 12-September-1949
Cronje Andries Petrus 1833 1916
Cronje Wessel

South African national cricket team captain 

25 September 1969 1 June 2002
Crosby Busakuwe
Cross Sholto A member of the Communist Party of South Africa
Crowther Samuel Adjai 1800
Cruse Nic 2 October 1990
Cuairan Florencio frtist 1895
Cuba Maboyisana
Cugani Standard
Cunda Simanganga
Cunningham-brown Jeanette
Curnick Ndlovu
Curson Herbert Veterinary Surgeon and historian 22 September 1892
Curtis Kevin
Curtis Jeanette

Vice-President of NUSAS, President of NUSWEL, member of the executive committee of the Industrial Aid Society and a member of SACTU, politica

05-May-1949 28-June-1984
Curtis Neville

President of NUSAS, political activist, political detainee, banned person and exiled person.  

16-October-1947 15-February-2007
Curtis John

Lay preacher, miner, night bomber pilot, World War II veteran, lecturer, member of the Progressive Party and the Christian Institute. 

31 August 1912 24 February 2002
Cussons Sheila Fine Artist and Poet 9 August 1922 25 November 2004
Cutshela Mthayeni 21-January-1971
Cymphry Mngomezulu
Cyprian Naki
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