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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Pack Betty fellist and music teacher
Padayachee Swami Nagappen
Padayachie Roy

Industrial Chemist, early childhood education practioner, Director of the Chatsworth Early Learning Centre, member of the NIC, UDF and ANC. Member of Parliament and Cabinet member, former Minister of Communications and Minister of Public Service and Ad

1 May 1950 4 May 2012
Paddock Billy Photographer, Writer, Activist
Padi Jacob 11/11/85
Padi Tumi 17 May 1991
Page Frederick Artist 1908 1984
Pahad Goolam One of the founders of the Nationalist Group of the TIC, principal representative for the TIC in the Western Transvaal . At the same time he organised support for the NEUF in the same area, was a member of the SAIC delegation that m 21-September-1912
Pahad Aziz member of the ANC, political prisoner, banned person, exile, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 25 December 1940 27 September 2023
Pahad Essop

Essop Goolam Pahad was an anti-apartheid activist who was a member of the ANC and was exiled because of what was called an illegal strike and this was after the banning of the ANC. In exile, he attained a few qualifications, and, in his return, he served under Thabo Mbeki. Under the Presidency, he had political duties such as being responsible for the Office of the Rights of the Child (ORC), Office on the status of Disabled People (OSPD), Office on the Status of Women (OSW), The National Youth Commission and the government Communication and Information System (GCIS)

21 June 1939 6 July 2023
Pakamile Befile
Pakana July
Palmer Mabel Feminist, lecturer, journalist, trade unionist, founded higher education for Black and Indian students in Natal, awarded an honorary doctorate for her service to education by UNISA 22 May 1876 16 November 1958
Pama Sisa
Pandeni John

People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (Plan) SWAPO fighter, imprisoned on Robben Island, General Secretary of the Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union and Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rehabilitation

30-July-1950 14-March-2008
Pandor Grace Educationist, lecturer, Deputy Chief Whip of the ANC and former Minister of Education. 07-December-1953
Pankie Msobe
Pantese Komane
Parker Dawood Travel agent, Chairman of the Wynberg Civic Association, activist against the anti-Coloured Affairs Department  and member of the Non-European Unity Movement, librarian,  first joint secretary of the New Unity Movement circa 1936 October 2009
Partridge Bridget South African photographer, member of Afrapix collective, musician 1950
Pasonti Sitafa
Passtoors Helene Lecturer, journalist, author, for her contribution to the struggle for liberation, democracy and human rights, and for waging a concerted struggle against racial oppression as an ANC activist and operative in South Africa, including engagement in under 09-August-1942
Patel Ahmed Ebrahim Key organiser of the Transvaal Indian Congress on the East Rand, and appeared for the Congress before numerous hearings of the Group Areas Board. Ahmed Ebrahim Patel 1924
Patel M.
Patel K.
Pather V. S. C. 1887 1942
Pather Poonoosamy Ruthnam Secretary of the Aryan Young Men's Progressive Association and the Hindu-Tamil Institute, served on the Durban Indian Child Welfare Society and the Natal Indian Council for Child Welfare, joint secretary of the NIC, foundig member of the Colo 1895 27 January 1970
Pather V.
Pather S.
Pato Henry Minor, Worker, Casualty 16 August 2012
Paton Alan Renowned author of Cry, the Beloved Country, founding member and leader of the Liberal Party 11-January-1903 12-April-1988
Patrick Petrus 16.6.76
Patrick Gaba
Patrick Lekota
Patrick Madalane
Patrick Mbelekana
Patrick Nkosi
Patrick Pule
Paul Plaatjies Delegate to the 1953 World Festival of Youth in Bucharest, member of the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, trade unionist, SACTU member, banned political activist and 1956 Treason trialist 01-June-1930
Paul Langa
Paul Mathabathe
Paul Ramakandi
Paulse Abrhim 9.9.76
Paulson Ngcobo
Paulus Lekhula
Payi Clarence 9 September 1986
Payi Clarence 10-September-1986
Payi Phillip
Payi Mthuthuzali July 1988
Payne Malcolm Artist 03-September-1946
Payne Tracy South African painter and teacher. 1965
Peake George Edward Founding member and national chairman of the South African Coloured People's Organisation, served in the navy in World War II,  active member of the Building Workers' Union, defendant in the 1956 Treason Trial, banned in 1955. 1922
Pearson Carina A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)
Peddie Zitha
Peers Charles Ernest 1874 1874
Peirson Lorna Artist 1920
Pelem Meshach Teacher, businessman, one of the four vice-presidents of the African National Congress at its founding, founded the Bantu Union 1859 1936
Pelser Eric
Pemba Milwa Mnyaluza Artist, teacher and playwright 02- April -1912 12-July-2001
Pendla Frank A. Court interpreter, a postmaster, a clerk, and a restaurant proprietor. President of the Cape African Congress
Penrose Ndwandwa
Penstone Constance 1864
Percival Mgobhozi
Peregrino Francis journalist, public intellectual, activist 1851 19 November 1919
Perez Berney Documentary Photographer 1948
Perumal David Member of the Natal Indian Youth Congress, Natal Indian Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe, exile, medical doctor
Peter Myron Anti-Apartheid activist, UDF activist, progressive media and cultural activist, documentary photographer, member of photo agency Afrapix, member of progressive NGOs (1970s-1980s)
Peter Njokwana
Peter Dayoni
Peter King
Peter Ndaba
Peter Ngwenya
Peter Njokwana
Peter Ramashoane
Peter Ramekwa
Peter Sokopo
Peterose Makae
Peters Anne fember of the ANC women’s struggle.   1 March 2007
Petersen Sydney Vernon
Peterson Michael
Petrie Anne (Helen) fouth African Painter. 1933
Petrus Kwedi
Petrus Mahlala
Petrus Malindi
Petrus Matsau
Petrus Mbonele
Petrus Nhabaleng
Petrus Pilusa
Petrus Sebeko
Petse Nokali 1923 23 February 1965
Petukile Mlambi
Phaahla Mathume Member of SASO, BPC, AZASO and the ANC, medical doctor, Secretary of the UDF (KZN), Former Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and present Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture in South Africa 11-July-1957
Phahlamohlaka Stanley
Phahle Cecil

Member of ANC, banished, killed in SADF raid in Gabarone.


Phahle Lindie
Phakani Boykie
Phake Nicodemus
Phako Mary
Phala George
Phala Andrew
Phalane Patrick
Phalatsi Irene 03.03.77
Phantsi Thembinkosi
Pharasi Israel
Pheko Motsoko President of the PAC, Member of Parliament, lawyer, author, historian, theologian and academic. 13-November-1933
Phenias Lebekoi
Pheto Molefe Molefe Pheto is a South African musician and music teacher. He was an activist in the Black Consciousness Movement and former political prisoner.
Pheto Pule Pule Pheto is a jazz pianist and composer who is known for his songwriting and improvised jazz performances. 1966
Phiilip Ngwena
Phike Lizzie 25 September 1938
Phila Nkayi
Philemon Buti
Phillip Chiloane 1979
Phillip Mathews
Phillip Ngwenya
Phillip Nyongwana
Phillip Sejake
Phillip Sello
Phillipot Mfeketho
Phillips James Member of the ANC and SACP, Chairperson of the Garment Workers Union, Treasurer of the Transvaal affiliate of the African People's Organisation, co-founder of the Transvaal Council of Non-European Trade Unions, singer and ANC Choirmaster 11 December 1919 22 October 1987
Phillips Ray E.


Phinda Samual
Phindile Jekega
Phiri Raymond  Musician, awarded the Order of Ikhamanga in Silver for his excellent achievement in the field of music and his contribution to the struggle against apartheid 23 March 1947 12 July 2017
Phiri Joseph
Phiri Jacob 28.6.76
Phiri Terrance
Phokanaka Lawrence
Phokanoka Madimetja Political activist, member of the African Students Association, the South African Communist Party, African National Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe. 10 June 1938 July 2005
Phooko H.
Phosa Moses
Phosa Mathews Lawyer, ANC member, MK commander, member of the ANC negotiating team at CODESA, Premier of Mpumalanga and Treasurer General of the ANC. 1 September 1952
Phoshoko Joel 01-April-1986
Phoswa Mxibilo March 1993
Phumulani Shezi
Phunga Kid
Phungula Dumisani Graphic Artist 1960
Phungulwa Zenzile
Phuso Godfrey 19 Sept. 1985
Phuteho John 21-March-1960
Phutuhile Dlabati
Pienaar Francois Former rugby player who captained and played flanker for the South African Springboks national rugby team 01-January-1967
Pierneef Jacob South African fine artist 13-August-1886 14-November-1957
Piet Christopher 03-March-1986
Piet Sekonyela
Pietersen Glen 13.9.76
Pietersen Norman Norman Pietersen was an uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) guerrilla. On 11 March, 1987 he was murdered by apartheid Riot Squad in New Crossroads after his return from military training in Bulgaria. He was 22 years old at the time of his death. 1966 11 March 1987
Pieterson Hector Student Activist, one of the first students to be killed in the 1976 student rebellion in Soweto, Johannesburg 1963 16 June 1976
Pieterson Joseph
Pikani Mngqingo

 banished person


Pilane Alex June 1985
Pilapi Khatazekile 08-May-1963
Pilapi Khathazekile 1935 7 February 1963
Piliso-Seroke Joyce National Secretary of the Young Women’s Christian Association, member and Vice President of the Executive Committee of the World YWCA, member of the Transvaal Board of the National Co-ordinating Council for Returnees, member of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Chairperson of the Commission on Gender Equality, member of the Board of READ Educational Trust and of the Women’s Development Foundation, Recipient of the Father Trevor Huddleston Award and the President’s National Award, political prisoner, film maker  11 July 1933
Pilkington George William 1879 1958
Pilkington Henry L. Gordon 1886 1968
Pillay Thayanayagie (Thailema)

Political activist, political prisoner, organised women resisters from the Asiatic Bazaar for the 1946 Passive Resistance Campaign, volunteered and marched in the Germiston batch led by Patrick Duncan in the 1952 Defiance Campaign agains

15-August-1908 19-December-1992
Pillay N. S. Participated in the Indian miners’ strike of 1913, political prisoner 
Pillay Siva Member of the initial uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal), Robben Island prisoner, banned person, exile
Pillay Navanethem (Navi) Attorney, university lecturer, first woman to open her own law practice in Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal),  first Black woman judge in the High Court in Natal, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, member of the Women's National Coalition in South Africa, co-founded Equality Now, an international women's rights organisation 23-September-1941
Pillay Mannie V. S. 1918
Pillay V.
Pillay R.
Pillay Mrs. N.

Participated in the Indian miners’ strike of 1913, political prisoner. 

Pillay Narainsamy


political prisoner 

Pillay Sumboornam

Anti-apartheid activist, gender activist, member of the BCM, SASO, TECON, WIASA, and PETT, banned and house-arrested for five years, author, teacher

1948 (or 1949)
Pillay Rajaluxmi Rajes exile, member of the Natal Indian Congress, African National Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe 4 August 1944 29 December 2020
Pilusa Johannes December 1993
Pincus E.
Pindela Nelson 26.12.76
Pindiso Zimambane
Pindiwe Steven
Pinki 11-November-1988
Pinkie 16-November-1986
Piruus Giyose
Pitiyase Nowewe
Pitje Godfrey

Lecturer in anthropology at Fort Hare,University, President of the ANC Youth League.

20-July-1917 23-April-1997
Pitso James
Pitso Sello
Pitso Robert 31.12.76
Pitso D
Pityana Barney Nyameko One of founding members of the South African Students' Organisation, and an important figure in the Black Consciousness Movement with Steve Biko, and an exponent of Black theology. His more recent work in human rights has been widely recognized. 7 August 1945
Plaatje Solomon Teacher, court interpreter and clerk to the Mafeking administrator of Native Affairs, author, journalist, linguist, and first Secretary-General of the SANNC,  member of the SANNC deputation that travelled to London to appeal to the British Goverment 9 October 1876 19 June 1932
Plaatjie Maxwell
Plaut Martin Student activist, British Labour Party adviser on Africa and the Middle East and served on the executive of the Anti-Apartheid Movement as a representative of the Labour Party, Secretary of the Africa Committee of the Labour Party, Associate Fellow of May 1950
Player Gary Jim

South African Professional golfer.

1 November 1935
Pocock Mary President of the Grahamstown branch of the South African Association of University Women 31-December-1886 10-July-1977
Podbrey Pauline member of the Communist Party of South Africa, Communist Youth League, Labour League of Youth, Left Book Club, and Liberal Study Group, secretary of the African Commercial Distributive Workers Union in Durban, local secretary and national president of the Sweet Workers Union, secretary of the Industrial Council, trade unionist. 1922 2009
Podbrey (Podbrez) Pauline Member of  the CPSA, Secretary of the African Commercial Distributive Worker’s Union, author of White Girl in Search of the Party
Podlashuc Marianne
Pogrund Benjamin A membe rof the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).
Pokela John Political activist and Chairman of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC). 1922 1985
Polak Henry Solomon Leon
Pollock Shaun International cricket player 16-July-1973
Pollock Graeme One of South Africa’s most iconic cricketers and batsmen. 27-February-1944
Polokela Matsela
Poni Zama
Ponnen George Trade unionist, early member of SACTU, member of the CPSA and was the chair of the Durban District Committee from 1940 to 1944 and was the Party’s full time Organiser, a member of the Central Committee until the CPSA was disbanded 1 June 1913 January 1996
Ponnen Vera Member of the Housewives League and the South African Federation of Democratic Women, co-founder of the Non-European Soldiers’ Dependent League during WWII, executive member of the Congress of Democrats, secretary of the Brewery and Mineral Workers Union. 1915 01-March-1979
Ponnusamy Dr Somalingum (Leslie) Member of the African National Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe, veterinarian, worked on the African National Congress farm in Zambia, Specialist Cardiologist, Head of the Clinical Unit at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Department of Cardiology at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital, member of the College of Medicine of South Africa, lecturer, actively involved in community, religious and cultural affairs 1 September 1958 February 2021
Poo Jacob Joined the ANC and was active in campaigns and on the residents' Vigilance Committee in Moroka. ANC treasurer in Moroka. 1914
Poo Mike
Pooe Johannes 26.12.76
Pooe Michael 26.12.76
Poonan Vera A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA).
Portway Douglas frtist
Poshoko Joel 01-April-1986
Potgieter Andries Voortrekker leader. 19- December-1792 16-December-1852
Potjo Molala
Poto Victor Transkeian Chief 1897 1974
Potsane Griffiths
Potse Jemina 21-March-1960
Powell Baden Knighted by King Edward VII for his outstanding military career and for founding Scouting. His book 'Aids to Scouting', about his methods of Army training, became the bases of Scouting in South Africa. 22 February 1857 1941
Powell Jean Applied Design
Prager NCL Fred A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA)
Pratt David 1 October 1909 October 1961
Preller Gustav Author 04-October-1875 07-October-1943
Preller Alexis 1911 1975
Press Ronald

Chemical engineer, member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU), South African Congress of Democrats (COD) and uMkhonto weSizwe (MK)

1929 28 October 2009
Preston Billy
Pretorious Paul Member of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS)
Pretorius Marthinus Wessel Boer statesman and soldier 17 September 1819 19 May 1901
Pretorius Andries

Voortrekker leader after whom Pretoria was named.

27 November 1798 23 July 1853
Price Ndabane
Prince Moses
Prince Msuthu
Prowse Ethel Ruth Ruth Prowse was a visual artist, curator and advocate for the preservation of Historical buildings. 1883 1967
Pukwana Mtutuzeli Pianist, Saxophonist and Composer. 18-July-1938 30-June-1990
Pule James
Pule Saskin
Pule Steve
Pumelang Leholo
Pumele Sikawuli
Pumlani Ngqungwana
Pungulwa Sipho 13 June 1990
Puthumile Gqamana
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