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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Oberholzer Obie Photographer 26-August-1947
Obodiah Cetyiwe
October Ronald 16.9.76
Oerder Frans David 1867 1944
Oewies-Shongwe Maggie Founder of the DWA, played an instrumental role in convincing the Department of Education to open Model C schools to all races 1940
Oeyi Geyana
of Goring-haiqua Doman Trained interpreter and Khoisan leader in the mid 1600s. He led the Khoikhoi in the first Khoikhoi-Dutch war. Unknown December 1663
of the Goringhaicona Krotoa

A Khoi woman who worked as a domestic servant in the Van Riebeeck house and a translator for the Dutch authorities. Her marriage was the first recorded union between a ‘native’ and a ‘settler’. She was banished to Robben Island

Circa 1643 29-July-1674
Oganne Aaron
Olb Winnie
Oldridge Matibe
Olifant Benji 15-Decemeber-1986
Oliphant Vincent Poet  08- April-1954
Oliphant Welile 27 August 1992
Oliphant William 14 April 1986
Oliphant Andries
Oliphant Molefi For his excellent contribution to the development of soccer in South Africa and leadership in the successful bid and hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Molefi Oliphant was awarded the Order of Ikhamanga in Gold 6 March 1952
Oliphant David
Oliver Nomeva
Olivier Christophel 11.9.76
Omar Dullah Anti-apartheid activist, human rights lawyer, member of the Unity Movement, Western Cape UDF Chairman,  political detainee, member of the ANC and Cabinet  Minister of Justice and Transport and   the democratic South Africa. 26 May 1934 13 March 2004
Ondala Irvin
Oppenheimer Ernest Diamond, gold mining and financial entrepreneur, and founder of the Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa. 22 May 1880
Opperman John 9.9.76
Ora Nxiweni
Origen Ngxhwana
Orr Wendy A medical Doctor
Osborne Mthunywa
Oupa Mbate
Oupa Ncube
Owen Gwadana
O’Connor Patrick Painter 1940
O’Malley John Journalist 6 October 1922 15 June 2005
O’Meare Dan An economist
O’Regan Kate 17-September-1957
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