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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Gaba Tesile
Gaba Seth
Gaba Joseph
Gabase John
Gabase John
Gabashane Daniel Graphic designer and ceramic sculptor 1949
Gabehekile Mabona
Gabela D.Boy

Unita Ambushes

Gabriel Sexwale
Gabriels Ernest
Gabula Douglas
Gacula Coleman
Gadlela Sitelega Miner, Worker, Marikana Casuality 16 August 2012
Gaetsewe John Trade unionist, member of the ANC and General Secretary of SACTU, Robben Island prisoner, banned person 1916 December 1988
Gaetswe John
Gaga Ngeni 09-May-1965
Gagarin Boston
Gaika Aaron
Gajane Roseman
Gajani Roseman
Gajula Sam
Galela Twasile Organising Secretary of PEBCO, member of UDF, one of the ‘Pebco Three’ 24-October-1947 08-May-1985
Galela Righard
Galeni Sityotile
Galeni Masayidini
Galeni Zityotini
Galeta Hotep Jazz musician and music educator 07-June-1941 03-November-2010
Gama Albert Training accident
Gama Mbeka
Gambushe Sithadathu
Gandhi Mohandas lawyer, founder of the Natal Indian Congress, political prisoner, leader of the Indian community in South Africa, political activist against the White South African Government and the British Government in India 02-October-1869 30-January-1948
Gandhi Ela Peace activist, Social Worker, Founder of Natal Organisation of Women,  member of the NIC, ANC and the UDF, Member of Parliament from 1994-2004  01-July-1940
Gandhi Manilal Editor and political activist, member of the NIC and son of Mahatma Gandhi. 28-October-1892 1956
Gandhi Sushila Politcal activist and newspaper publisher 24 August 1907 November 1988
Gandhi Kasturba Kasturba Gandhi, the wife of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi known as Mahatma Gandhi, has not been studied much in works on Gandhi. There are few references to her life and role in the Mahatma’s life. However, she played an important part in independence and equality campaigns. 11-April-1869 22-February-1944
Gane Gillian A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA), banned by the apartheid government.
Gangathele Balisile
Gangathele Balisile
Gans Charles
Ganya Dlevalile
Ganyile Anderson Member of the ANCYL and ANC, political detainee, banished person 1935
Ganyile Daniel
Ganyile Mtetunzima

Banished person

Ganyoti Mpilwayikanjwa
Gardiner Lettie A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).
Gardiner Michael A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).
Gardner Colin

Rhodes scholar, member of the Liberal Party of South Africa, Professor of English, Dean of the Arts at UKZN, anti-apartheid activist, member of the Christian Institute and Justice and Peace Commission,

26 June 1933 10 October 2013
Garnie R.W. 26-December-1976
Garry Nyembe
Gasa Elliot
Gasa David 1928
Gasa Muntu 21 July 1991
Gasa Faith

Inkatha Freedom Party student activist, teacher, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) member, IFP Secretary, IFP Women’s Brigade chairperson, member of the IFP delegation to the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA), IFP Member of Parliament in the National Assembly, Premier of KwaZulu-Natal.

1 January 1945 4 August 2005
Gasetsilie Mangope
Gasnola Suleman 09-September-1976
Gaso Margaret
Gastrow Peter South African Politician and former Parliamentarian. 08-June-1947
Gasupani Marvin 1987
Gaus Shikomba
Gaveni Kefile
Gawe Walker Member of the Industrial and Commercial Worker’s Union (ICU), active in the 1952 Defiance Campaign, President of the Cape Branch of the African National Congress (ANC), accused in the Treason Trial. 30-November-1899 16-October-1980
Gaxa Mqotyi
Gayinkani Mkhwamubi
Gayisa David July 1989
Gaza Bonani 06-August-1988
Gaza Thompson
Gazi Anthony Robben Island prisoner
Gazides Dr. Constantinos
Gazidis Costa A member of the South African Congress of Democrats, South African Communist Party, and the Pan Africanist Congress
Gazo Margaret Member of the ANCWL, one of the organisers of the 1956 Women’s March against the pass system, political prisoner and recipient of the Order of Luthuli in Bronze. 01-January-1918 08-April-1974
Gazongo James 30-April-1983
Gcabashe Thomas 17 December 1991
Gcabatshe Posselt
Gcadana Zithobile 1927
Gcanga Siyabulela
Gcezengela Gerry
Gcina Mzimasi 11-November-1983
Gcina Mziwoxolo
Gcina Mthetheleli 11/11/89
Gcina Daniel
Gcinumzi Theophilus
Gcobo Matoto
Gcwabe Atwell
Gcwensa Bernard Artist 1918 1984
Gebashe Mxolisi
Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
Geer Ahmed SADF Raids
Gelblum R.
Gelem Godula 1929 30 May 1967
Gell Christopher W. M. Journalist 1917 1958
Gelo Temba
Genu Mosotho
George Thembalake 16-August-1985
George Ngqunge
George Ntshidi
George Rafuza
George Sinkumkanka
George Sithole
George Shadreck 1941 21 March 1962
Gerald Ganyqaza

Unita ambushes

Gerald Mgole
Gerhard Dieter Given life imprisonment 
Gerhard Ruth Imprisoned for ten years
Gerhardt Dieter
  • Former Commodore in the South African Navy
  • Commander of the strategic Simon’s Town naval dockyard
  • Arrested by the FBI in New York City in 1983 following information obtained from a Soviet defector.
  • Convicted of high treason as a Soviet spy in South Africa together with his second wife, Ruth, who had acted as his courier. Both were released prior to the change of government following the 1994 general election.
Gertrude Sofute
Gerwel Gert “Jakes”

Author, teacher, leading intellectual, member of the ANC and Director-General in the presidential office of Nelson Mandela.

18-January-1946 28-November-2012
Gethebe William
Getse Sine
Geyama Obeyi
Ghorkhodu Rustomjee

Businessperson, Vice-President of the NIC, passive resister, political prisoner, philanthropist. 

August 1861 14 November 1924
Gibbs Herschelle South African cricket player 23 February 1974
Gideon Mahanjana
Gideon Mdhletshe
Gigaba Malusi African National Congress Youth League president, African National Congress NWC member, Chairman of South African Student Congress and the Minister for Public Enterprises. 30 August 1971
Gigaba Babalekile

Banished person

Gijimani Gilbert
Gila Mlutu
Gilbert Sedibe
Gilbert Yonke
Gilder Barry Member of the African National Congress
Gilfillan-Weidema Durkje Nurse, pathologist, attorney, land rights activist, Land Claims Commissioner, Regional Director of the Legal Resources Centre  2 September 1946 5 April 2011
Gill Marion Artist 1879 1959
Gillwald Cheryl Community worker, member of the African National Congress (ANC) Member of Parliament, Deputy Minister of Justice and Correctional Services 13 December 1956 27 July 2010
Gincana Atwell 18-June-1976
Ginsberg Gerson
Ginwala Frene Journalist, editor, lecturer, lawyer, radio programme producer, member of the ANC, politician and former speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa 1994-2004, chancellor of the University of KwaZulu-Natal 2005-2009 25-April-1932
Gishi Jackson 27-December-1976
Giyama Sidlwana
Giyose Pirvus
Giyose Mallet
Gladman Bobo
Gladstone Booi
Gladwell Mbali
Glass C.
Glasser Adam 20 September 1955
Gloria Mdingi
Glossop Allerley Artist 1870 1955
Goba Bani
Gobeni Mzimkulu
Goddard Graham Photographer. 1956
Godfrey Khumalo
Godfrey Maku
Godfrey Marubungwana
Godfrey Oldjohn
Godi Themba Teacher, former Deputy President of PAC, Member of Parliament, founding President of the African Peoples Convention (APC) and Chairperson of SCOPA 10 August 1966
Godola Samson August 1989
Godolozi Qaqawuli President of PEBCO, member of the UDF, one of the ‘Pebco Three’ 26-July-1955 08-May-1985
Godongwana Nontana
Godwe Jeffery 18-June-1976
Goeieman Mittah
Gogela Maroti
Gokhale Gopal

Political activist

Goldberg Denis A Leading member of Congress of Democrats and political activist who was sentenced with Mandela and others to life imprisonment at the Rivonia Treason Trial. After his release he went into exile in London and returned to SA in 2002 11-April-1933 29 April 2020
Goldberg Annie Member if the Commuist Party of South Africa
Goldberg Victor A Member of South African Congress of Democrats.
Goldberg Sam A member of the SACP and part of the Guardian
Goldberg Marcel A member of the South African Congress of Democrats and the Federation of South African Women
Goldblatt David Documentary photographer 29 November 1930 25 June 2018
Golding George school principal, editor, involved in politics 1906 1967
Goldman A.
Goldreich Arthur Artist, industrial designer, architect, member of MK, political prisoner and lecturer  25-December-1929 24-May-2011
Goldstone Richard Former South African Constitutional Court judge.
Goliat Dandile
Gomas John Trade unionist, member of the SACP, NLL and ANC
Gomas John 08-April-1901
Gomomo Phumzile fabour and Politics: A leader of the Labour Movement, an activist and a leader of the ANC and the SACP. 25-October-1945 22-January-2008
Gongo Michael
Gongo Matshanda
Gonheng Frans 09-November-1987
Goniwe Matthew 27-December-1947 27-June-1985
Goniwe Jacques
Goniwe George
Goniwe Vuyani

Member of the ANC and MK, exiled person, killed in combat.

27 October 1978
Gonxeka Sidney 28-December-1976
Gonya Sipho
Gonya Sipho
Goodfellow Clement A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA), banned by the apartheid government.
Goodhope Moletsane
Goodman Robert Painter 1871 1939
Goodman Modani
Goodwell Moni
Goodwin Mda
Gool Zainunnisa Leader of the NLL and NEUF, member of the FAC, advocate and representative on the Cape Town City Council. 06-November-1897 01-July-1963
Gool Goolam Physician, member of the All African Convention committee, President of the NLL and politician, founder of the anti-CAD and Vice President of the NEUM 24-March-1905 1962
Gool Jane


19-March-1902 06-May-1996
Gool Janub

Political activist, founding member of the NEUM and APDUSA

Gopal Dahya
Gopal L.
Gordhan Pravin Pharmacist, member of the Natal Indian Congress, African National Congress, uMkhonto weSizwe, South African Communist Party and United Democratic Front, political prisoner, banned, key figure in the ANC underground Operation Vula, NIC/TIC delegate to the steering committee responsible for organising Codesa 1, Co-chairperson of the Transitional Executive Council (1991 – 1994), which prepared the country for the 1994 elections, Chairperson of the Constitutional Committee of the Constituent Assembly, Commissioner of South African Revenue Services, Chairperson of the World Customs Organization, ANC Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister 12-April-1949 13 September 2024
Gordimer Nadine Founding member of COSAW, South African author, script writer,member of the ANC and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. 20-November-1923 13-July-2014
Gordon Nkongi
Gordon Max 1910 1977
Gordon Hendricks
Gordon Makgothi
Gordon Modimowagae
Gordon Nkongi
Gosschalk Ruth

Political activist, Member of the Union of Jewish Women, regional secretary of the Federation of South African Women and member of the Communist Party of South Africa.   

27-July-1929 11-June-1994
Gosschalk Bernard A member of both the South African Congress of Democrats and the South African Communist Party.
Gova Zwelindaba

SADF raids

Govender Ronnie (Sathieseelan) Teacher, journalist, playwright, novelist, founder of the Shah Theatre Academy, Marketing Manager of the Baxter Theatre, Director of Durban's Playhouse Theatre, recipient of the President's National Award for Theatre, former Vice-President of the Natal Congress of South African Writers (COSAW). 16 May 1934 29 April 2021
Govender Nithianandan ‘Elvis' Member of South African Student Organisation, African National Congress, uMkhonto weSizwe, community-based organizer, Deputy Director in the Department of Foreign Affairs 1 November 1958 10 November 1995
Govender Pregaluxmi (Pregs) Feminist, anti-apartheid activist, human rights activist, trade unionist, author, writer, teacher, initiated the ‘Women’s Budget’, member of Natal Organisation of Women, founding member of SPEAK magazine, former African National Congress member, helped establish first Worker’s College 15 February 1960
Govender Magasvarie Anti-apartheid activist, teacher, trade unionist, member of the Natal Indian Congress, African National Congress, United Democratic Front, South African Communist Party, South African Democratic Teachers Union, and Chatsworth Housing Action Committee, involved in the armed struggle
Govers Harry
Govinder Soobramoney
Gow Frances Clergyman, principal and political activist 29-Sep-1887 20-March-1968
Gow (Adams) Vera Opera singer and Social Worker 14-February-1942
Gqabi Joe Photographer, reporter, member of the ANC and MK 06-April-1929 31-July-1981
Gqamane Michael
Gqirana Mobbs
Gqirana Mongameli
Gqirana Violet
Gqoba William Wellington Author, editor, teacher, catechist, interpreter and wagonmaker August 1840 26 April 1888
Gqobose Mfanasekaya Soldier, social research assistant, social worker, location superintendent member of the ANCYL, ANC, POQO and PAC, awarded the Companion of The Order of Luthuli in Silver.  07-August-1917 2013
Gqola Frederick
Gqola Frederick
Gqosha John
Gqosha Nyawozake
Gqozo Oupa Former Ciskei military ruler. 10-March-1952
Gqubule Simon Theologian, educationalist, community leader, anti-apartheid activist, member of the Federal Theological Seminary, UDF, and ANC, president of Fedsem, MCSA, vice-president of SACC, banned by apartheid regime, recipient of The Herald GM Citizen of the Year Award, Fort Hare University Honorary Doctorate, Rhodes University Honorary Doctorate, and the Distinguished Old Rhodian Award, SMMS’s First Grand Chancellor, recipient of Government’s National Order for his commitment to the liberation struggle, education and religion 18 February 1928 26 May 2016
Gqweta Thozamile Political activist 02-January-1952 2006
Graaff de Villiers advocate, farmer and leader of the United Party. 8 December 1913 4 October 1999
Gray Madi Anti apartheid activist and ANC member.
Greaves Constance Artist 1882 1966
Grendon Paul South African Artist, Painter, Activist and Documentary Photographer 1954 7 September 2019
Grendon Robert 1867 1949
Grendon Robert
Grey George Soldier, High Commissioner of the Cape and Governor of New Zealand 1812 1917
Griffiths Glynn Photographer, Cartoonist, Artist, Designer, Sculptor, Polymath 20-March-1950 03-October-2017
Grobbelaar Arthur
Grootboom Mpumelelo Controversial theatre and television playwright 1975
Grootboom Nati
Grootboom Matthews
Grootboom Matthews
Grootboom Mzwandile
Gross Sally Intersex activist, Former clergyman, Political refugee August 22 1953 February 14 2014
Grossert John Artist 1913
Grout Aldin 2 September 1803 12 February 1894
Groves Charles Artist 1878 1964
Gudlandlu Gladys frtist 1925 1979
Gudlindlu Lennox
Gudlulwayo Kekani 1904 18 September 1962
Guga Ngalo
Gugushe Xhosa
Gugushe Bashi July 1989
Guibeb Lazarus
Guiteb Lazarus
Gule Petrus 26-August-1976
Guma Samuel
Guma Mduduzi
Gumata Jumba 26-December-1976
Gumbi Joseph
Gumede Archibald Parliamentarian, lawyer and member of the UDF and ANC 01-March-1914 27-June-1998
Gumede Josiah Political activist, founder member of the Natal Native Congress and founder member of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC, now ANC). He was a teacher, politician, businessman and journalist, sometimes incorrectly referred to as 'James' Gu 09-October-1867 06-November-1946
Gumede G. S. (Smart) Print maker and sculptor 19-November-1943 2001
Gumede Sipho South African jazz bass guitarist 17-April-1952 26-July-2004
Gumede Zamokwake Carpenter and sculptor 11-April-1955
Gumede Constance
Gumede Masakeni
Gumede Eric 11 August 1989
Gumede Elizabeth Anti-apartheid activist, member of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and an operative of the Azanian People’s Liberation Army (APLA), detained and subjected to insufferable torture, recipient of the Government’s National Order of Mendi for Bravery in Bronze 1921 2016
Gumenge Wellington
Gunn Shirley Member of the ANC and MK, political detainee 09-May-1955
Gunquluza Hendisini
Gusha Andile
Gusha Andile
Gutsche Thelma Artist, founding member of the Simon van der Stel Foundation and a trustee and life president of the Friends of the Johannesburg Art Gallery.  07-January-1915 05-November-1984
Guy Malamba
Gwabeni Joel
Gwadana Fikile
Gwadana Buchanan
Gwala Harry Teacher, member of SACTU, SACP and ANC. 30 July 1920 20 June 1995
Gwala Mafika Poet, Writer, Editor, Member of the Black Consciousness Movement, and Contributor for the Black Review, contributor to Staffrider, Produced two collections of poetry and collaborated on a third with Liz Gunner. 05-October-1946 06- September-2014
Gwamanda Bongizipho
Gwangwa Jonas Jazz Artist, Composer, Musical Director 1941
Gwaru Ntshiza
Gwebane Temba
Gwebushe Raymond 1958 19 August 1987
Gwelani Thembinkosi Miner, Worker, Casualty 16 August 2012
Gwentshe Alcott Skei President of the Cape ANCYL and the Chair of the ANC in East London, an organiser of the 1950 and 1952 Defiance Campaign, a banned and  banished person.  1920 1996
Gwija Tyagi
Gwintsa Andile 07-October-1986
Gxashe Bonisile
Gxavu Zukile
Gxavu Ronnie
Gxekani Mzwandile

Unita Ambushes

Gxothiwe Benjamin 1961 25 March 1988
Gxowa (Mashaba) Bertha One of the leaders and organisers of the 1956 Women's Anti-Pass March. 28-November-1934 19-November-2010
Gyasman Franklin
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