George John Golding was born in 1906 in Ladismith in the Cape, he attended Zonnebloem College and became a teacher and school principal in Oudtshoon,Heidelberg,then Cape Town. He was chairman of the Coloured Advisory Council, set up in 1943, and was attacked as a quisling or traitor by radical Coloureds who opposed collaboration with government-sponsored institutions. He was a founding member in 1944 and longtime president of the Coloured Peoples National Union, an organisation that superseded the African People's Organisation (APO) and later rivaled the South African Coloured People's Organisation (SACPO)as a mouthpiece of Coloured opinion. Golding took a lead in challenging the government's efforts in the 1950s to remove Coloured voters from the common voters' roll.

He co-operated with the United Party but in later years tended to cooperate with the government. He was editor of the short-lived Sun, a newspaper for Coloureds, and was prominent in the Moral Rearmament Movement. Although he was involved in efforts to enlarge cooperation in sports among Coloureds, Africans, and Indians, his general orientation was toward acceptance by whites.In the early 1960s Golding founded the conservative Cape Teacher'Association which pledged to cooperate with the government,unlike the rival Teachers' League of South Africa with its roots in the leftist Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM).He died in the late 1967.


Gerhart G.M and Karis T. (ed)(1977)|Gail M. Gerhart, Teresa Barnes, Antony Bugg-Levine, Thomas Karis, Nimrod Mkele .From Protest to Challenge 4-Political Profiles (1882-1990) (last accessed 03 December 2018)