(6) | ( (1) | A (202) | B (433) | C (287) | D (408) | E (96) | F (158) | G (289) | H (254) | I (32) | J (240) | K (398) | L (260) | M (2109) | N (547) | O (35) | P (236) | Q (13) | R (148) | S (578) | T (290) | U (7) | V (103) | W (127) | X (23) | Y (19) | Z (103)
Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Baadjies Clement
Baard Frances Organiser of the African National Congress (ANC) Women’s League and Trade Unionist. 01-October-1909 02-June-1997
Baardman Jeffrey
Baartman Henry
Baartman Ben

Member of the ANC and SACTU, banished person

Baartman Sara “Saartjie” A Khoikhoi woman 1789 29-December-1815
Baba Bolo
Babenia Natuarlal
Babenia Natvarlal “Natoo” Political prisoner, participated in the Indian and South African liberation struggles, journalist, member of the Natal Indian Youth Congress, Natal Indian Congress, African National Congress and uMkhonto weSizwe, Robben Island prisoner, banned person 28-March-1924 01-January-1999
Bacela Professor Member of COSAS and ANC, Robben Island political prisoner, Secretary of the Central House Committee (UWC), Mayor and Local Municipal Manager.  21 September 1964 May 2012
Bacher Ali Cricketer, Medical Doctor and South African Administrator of the United Cricket Board. 24-May-1942
Bacola Headman
Badat Saleem Academic, author, Vice-Chancellor of Rhodes University, the first black South African to hold this post in 102 years, Editor of  Grassroots community newspaper,  Program Director: International Higher Education & Strategic Projects, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (New York, USA) 29 August 1957
Badela Sipho 1937
Badela Mono

Eastern Cape Journalist, particularly known for his journalism that helped to put major trade unions, along with the PE Black Civic Organisation (Pebco) and the Congress of SA Students (Cosas), on the national political map (1970s)

circa 1937 November 2002
Badsha Omar

A self-taught, award winning artist and photographer. Badsha played an active role in the South African liberation struggle, as a cultural and political activist and trade union leader.

27 June 1945
Badsha Ebrahim 13 March 1931 27 September 2003
Badusa Schriener
Baepi Sanny
Baginpofa Headman
Baginpofa Headman
Bailey Jim Founder of Drum magazine (1950) and The Golden City Post (1955), author, historian, poet and RAF pilot 23-October-1919 29-February-2000
Baines John Marine and Portrait Painter 27- November-1820 08- May-1875
Bakela Wiggi 21-March-1960
Baker Herbert Architect 9 June 1862 4 February 1946
Baker Villa political activist, shop steward for the National Garment Workersof the SACP, exiled person  12-March-1917 25-December-2004
Baker Julius
Baker Lewis

civil rights lawyer, member of the South African Communist Party and African National Congress, political prisoner, banned person and exile 

Bakubaku Golden 26-December-1976
Bala William
Baldry Harold
Baleka Aaron
Baleka Aaron
Balekili Raraza
Balela Maranti
Balela Maranti
Balele Mzini
Balfour Mabel

anti-apartheid activist, trade unionist, arrested, General Secretary of the African Food and Canning Workers Union, banned

Balfour Coto
Balindlela Siziwe

Politician, Premier of the Eastern Cape Province and former Minister of Sport and Art and Culture in the Eastern Cape Province.

Baliso Alfred
Balizulu Senwabo
Balkema August Dutch typographer, calligrapher, author and book publisher 06-October-1906 04-September-1966
Ballinger Violet 11-January-1894 07-February-1980
Ballinger William Ballinger was a trade union organizer, member of the Joint Council movement, a representative of Africans in the Senate, and a founder of the Liberal Party. 21-September-1894 1974
Baloi Margareth 8 August 1936 2001
Baloi Robert
Baloyi Richard Member of the Atlantic Charter Committee, Treasurer-general of the ANC, vice-president of the Non-European United Front and businessperson  1897 05-October-1962
Baloyi Vincent Artist 4-February-1954
Baloyi Patric 14-February-1988
Baloyi Jacob
Bam Brigalia Head of Independent Electoral Commission
Bam Fikile Judge-President of the Lands Claim Court; Member of the Eastern Cape Bar; Member of Independent Mediation Services of South Africa; Member of Eastern Cape Society of Advocates and Johannesburg Bar Council; political prisoner on Robben Island. 18-July-1937 18-December-2011
Bana Bogatsu
Banca Sangxeke
Banda Daniel Thomas frtist 1952
Banda Vronda
Banda Michael 01-July-1988
Bandile Sivuku
Bandile Joni
Bandon Gordon
Bangani Alphios
Bangani Arthur
Bangani Arthur
Bani Goba
Bani Silas
Bani Nobandla 29-July-1987
Bantjes Jan 1817 1887
Bantwini N.
Baqwa Jeffry Member of the Black Consciousness Movement, Medical doctor 24-July-1949 02-August-2001
Baqwa Dumo
Barayi Elijah Trade unionist, President of Cosatu. 15-June-1930 24-January-1994
Barber Robert
Barcela Professor
Barclay Dorothy fotanical painter 1892 1940
Bardien Mogamat Taufie

Banned political activist, Bardien was involved in the Unity Movement, Coloured Affairs Department (CAD) and South African Coloured People's Organisation (SACPO)

1923 March 1976
Barenblatt Yetta Trade Unionist, member of the East London Worker’s Civic League and Secretary of the Congress of Democrats (CoD) in 1954. Barenblatt was arrested on charges of treason in 1956, detained during the state of emergency in 1960 and banned in 1962. Sh 24-September-1913 1999
Barlin Sam
Barlow Arthur
Barmania Mahomed businessman, politician, community worker, member of the Cape Indian Congress, elected Cape Province representative on the executive of the South African Indian Congress (SAIC) and joint secretary of the SAIC
Barnard Christiaan Famous cardiac surgeon 8 November 1922 2 September 2001
Barnato Barney South African Randlord and entrepreneur. 21-February-1851 14-June-1897
Barnes Isaac 25-August-1976
Barnett Jack
Barnett Naomi
Barrell Howard
Barry Michael Artist and photographer 1954
Barrymore Maritz 1928 8 December 1994
Barsel Hymie 1956 Treason Trialist and member of the SACP 1920
Barsel (nee Levin) Esther Political activist, worked with SACTU and a member of the Young Communist League (YCL) and the South African Communist Party (SACP), one of the accused in the Bram Fischer Trial 17 October 1924 6 October 2008
Basela Robinson
Basil Mpolopo
Baskin Jeremy
Basner Hyman Political activist, lawyer, journalist member of the SACP 1905 1977
Bassa Cassim Mohammed Estate agent and Community leader 11 August 1925 1983
Basset Basel
Bastomsky Saul A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA)
Bathurst Henry Politician and British Colonial Officer 22-May-1762 27-July-1834
Battiss Walter Painter 6-January-1906 20 August 1982
Bavana Khumalo
Bawana Nguqu
Bawo-Dlamini Albert
Bayliss Wyke 1835 1906
Bayti Jackson
Bazil Sithole
Bbatha Vusumzi
Beard Terence A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Banned by the apartheid government.
Beard Terrence
Beaumont William

Chairman of the Natives Land Commission, member of the, South African National Party and Judge at the Natal Supreme Court.

24 February 1851 c. 1930
Beck Godfrey
Becker Peter Author, ethnologist and advertising executive 1921 1984
Befile Johnson
Befile Tembe
Befile Temba
Bekwayo Wilson
Beleni Mashekile
Beleni Moshekile
Beleni Moshekile
Bell Barbara 13-December-1914 03-April-2005
Bell Terence Journalist, author, social activist, teacher, educator, broadcaster, political prisoner, banned person, exile, member of the NAYF, COD, ANC, ANCYL, responsible for setting up the primary division of SOMAFCO in Tanzania, responsible for Friends of Moses Mayekiso campaign. 12 September 1942
Ben James
Ben Mashinini
Ben Poyi
Benati Mahlongo
Benedict Matshoba
Benene Mantilini
Bengu Sibusiso High school principal, Vice Chancellor at the University of Fort Hare, Secretary-General of the Inkatha Freeom Party, Minister of Education 08-May-1934
Bengu Siegfried
Bengu Makulana
Bengu Dumisane
Bengu Joseph
Benjamin Sathima Jazz singer 17-October-1936 20-August-2013
Benjamin Hlolile
Benjamin Matyu
Benjamin Mokgosi
Benjamin Ntoele
Benjamin Ntule
Benjamin Pixie
Benjamin Pixie Organizer of the 1956’s Women’s March, Charged, Arrested and Banned for Distributing Illegal Literature under the Suppression of Communism Act and aiding ANC activists.  1976
Benjamin Olga
Bennet Nkosi
Bennie Alven
Bennie Ntenie 2007
Bennun Tollie
Bennun Mervyn
Bennun Naphtali
Benson Mary Author, journalist, anti-apartheid activist, co-founded the Africa Bureau, first person to record the ANC’s history 08-December-1919 19-June-2000
Benson Ndimba
Bensusan Arthur Medical doctor, lecturer at Wits University, inventor of the first instantaneous X-ray, photographer, photographic historian, founder member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of South Africa, (now the SA College of Medicine), secretary of the S 1921 2007
Bentele Watu
Bentele Milton
Benyani Kebeta
Bequezi Alton
Berenc Qumza
Berger Guy
Berman Bee Photographer 1949
Berman Myrtle 1924
Berman Ray South African Painter and fine artist living in  Swaziland  1941
Bernadt Hymie
Bernadt (nee Alkin) Jean Member of the CPSA,  member of the National Council of Women, the Congress of Democrats, the Federation of South African Women and Black Sash. 19-May-1914 09-April-2011
Bernard Huna
Bernard Nkosi
Bernstein Hilda Member of the South African Labour Party League of Youth and the South African Communist Party, founding member of the Federation of South African Women, one of the organisers of the Women's March to the Union Buildings that took place on the 9th 15-May-1915 08-September-2006
Bernstein Lionel Writer, Political Activist, Architect, SACP and MK member, banned person, politcal prisoner, exile,  recipient of The Order of Luthuli in Gold. 20-March-1920 23-June-2002
Berrange Vernon Banned person, member of the Springbok Legion and the South African Communist Party, human rights advocate, Queens Counsel and recipient of the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo in Silver. 25 November 1900 14 September 1983September 1972
Berrange Vernon Lawyer in the 1963-1964 Rivonia Trail
Berrange Jevon
Berry Ian Photographer 04-April-1934 05-May-2013
Beshe James 21-March-1960
Beshe Weyi
Beshenga Mama Beshenga Political Activist and Trade unionist (1960's) 1936
Bessie James 21-March-1960
Bestall Clifford Film maker 1947
Bester Willie Artist 29 February 1956
Beto Mzondezi
Beto Mzondezi
Beto Simon
Beto Tanana 1921
Bevington William George 1881 1953
Beyleveld Pieter National organiser for the Labour Party, in 1952, President of the Congress of Democrats, President of the South African Congress of Trade Unions, 1956 Treason trialist, member of the South African Communist Party. 15-November-1916 1988
Beyleveld Petrus
Bezuidenhout Isaac 14-September-1976
Bhala Patric
Bhedava John
Bheki Gumbi
Bhengu Hyacinth Attorney and Political Activist 07-September-1919 1990
Bhengu Gerard Artist 6-September-1910 1990
Bhengu Edward Founder member of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), political detainee 08 November 1934 26 December 2010
Bhengu Moses
Bhengu Siegfried
Bhentele Nimrod
Bhikha E.
Bhixa Vuyisile 11-November-1987
Bhola M. N. Political Activist and ANC member 03-September-1841 1948
Bhongo Khululani
Bhoya Herbert
Bhugwan Sonnie Former secretary of Natal Indian Youth Congress
Bibi Mtombeni
Bieber Jodi Artist. 1966
Biehl Amy

An American volunteer who was killed just before the 1994 democratic elections.

26 April 1967 25 August 1993
Bifana Ngcobo
Bikie Michael
Bikitsha Doc Teacher, journalist, awarded the Order of Ikhamanga in Silver for his contribution to journalism and literature and as an important social commentator 19-November-1930 06-January-2007
Bikitsha Linda
Bikitsha Harrington
Bikitsha Bikitsha
Bikitsha Zolile
Biko Stephen Member of the SRC at University of Natal (Non-European section), first president of SASO, Chair of SASO Publications, Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) leader, banned person, political prisoner, killed in police detention 18-December-1946 12-September-1977
Biko Bomwana
Bila Strike
Bileya Philimon
Bili William
Billy Nair
Binda Sipho
Binta Joseph
Bisho Mzimasi 11-November-1984
Bishop Diana (Di)

Political Activist.

Bishoti Thembile
Bitjane Hlubi
Biza Toto
Bizos George Advocate,Human Rights lawyer, Senior Counsel at the Legal Resources Centre in Johannesburg in the Constitutional Unit, member of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies at the University of Witwatersrand, Judge of the Botswana Court of Appeal, one of the architects of South Africa’s democratic constitution, author 15 November 1927 9 September 2020
Blaaiberg Philip Dentist, Heart transplant recipient and a Captain of the South African Army Medical Corps during the Second world War. 1909 17 August 1969
Blaauw Alcott
Black Stephen Novelist, prize-fighter, journalist, actor and South Africa’s first professional playwright. September 1879 08-August-1931
Blackburn Molly South African political activist. 11-November-1930 28-December-1985
Blaxall Arthur Clergyman, political activist, teacher and pacifist  15-May-1891 1970
Blayi Thomas 1927 7 October 1961
Blayi Nyamalipeli 1895 7 October 1961
Blayi Hlati 1898 7 October 1961
Bles Vuyisile
Blessing Ngobese
Bloch Graeme
Bloem Makaleni
Bloom Harry
Bloomberg Charles
Bloyi Chitibhunga
Blundell John A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Banned by the apartheid government.
Bobbetyana Vuyana
Bobby Sebotsa
Bobo Vuyami
Bock William
Bodenstein Esme Physiotherapist, political prisoner 06-July-1929 22-February-2000
Boesak Allan Anti-apartheid activist, leader of the World Alliance of Churches and patron of the United Democratic Front (UDF). 1945
Boesak Johannes
Bogale Boyce
Bogatsu Clemont
Bogwana Kildas
Bogwana Kildas
Boitumelo Leepile
Bokaba Alpheus
Bokala Isaac Teacher, member of the African National Congress (ANC) Youth League. Bokala was active in the 1952 Defiance Campaign, the 1959 “Stay at Home” campaign in 1959, and was detained during the State of Emergency in 1960. He was a founding membe 1929 24-April-2005
Bokala Papase 11-November-1982
Bokwe John Journalist, Minister and Musician 15-March-1855 22-February-1922
Bokwe Roseberry Educator, physician and politician  07-March-1900 1963
Bolente Kondile
Bolisi Ngqengqeleka
Bollo Massimo
Bollo Massimo
Bolo Baba
Bolo Baba
Bolosha Malunga
Bolosha Malunga
Bolosha Malunga
Bolosha Malunga
Bolton Harriet General Secretary of the Garment Workers’ Industrial Union (GWIU), Secretary of the Furniture Workers` Industrial Union and the Textile Workers’ Industrial Union, a member of the general council of the International Textile, Garment and Lea 15-January-1927 22-November-2009
Bolton Jimmy
Bomwana Biko
Bonakele Rala
Bonani Milton
Bonayele Nicholas
Bonga Thamsanqa
Bongani Abednego
Bongani Zacheus
Bongani Dunjana
Bongani Mpondo
Bongani Mthembu
Bongani Ngeleza
Bongco Mpumelelo
Bongco Washington 1928 10-December-1964
Bongo Mbulilo
Bongo Wellington 1964/05
Bongo Mbulilo
Bonhomme Virgile

Trade unionist, political activist, political prisoner, founder member and Chair of the Coloured Labour Party in Natal, Vice-Chair of the Durban Housing Action Committee, Vice-Chair of the United Democratic Front, was instrumental in establishing the C

Bono Sikuleme
Bonya Lulamile
Booi Wilson
Booi Joseph
Booi Gladstone
Booi Sawutini February 1989
Booi Nomvu
Booi Joseph
Booi Joseph
Bookholane Feziwe Political activist, political prisoner and nurse.  October 1942
Boonzaier Daniel Cartoonist 11-November-1865 20-March-1950
Boonzaier Gregoire Artist 31-July-1909 22-April-2005
Booth Joseph Missionary 1851 1932
Booysen Fanie
Booysen Maggie
Bopalamo Maggie Teacher, who was resistant to the Boputhatswana Homeland government and arrested on several occasions, appointed District Manager of Education in Rustenburg in 1994. January 1939
Bopape David Education activist, community leader and important Transvaal African National Congress (ANC) figure until his banning in the mid-1950s. 22-September-1915 02-September-2004
Bopape Johannes ANC political activist and civic leader tortured and killed in police custody. 26-April-1961 12-June-1988
Bor Abrasha
Boraine Andrew frade unionist, President of Cosatu. 18-February-1959
Boraine Alexander Member of Parliament. Vice Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, author, Recipient of the South Government's National Award in 2014 10 January 1931 5 December 2018
Boraine Andrew
Boraine Michael
Bors Mcedisi
Bors Mcedisi
Bosch Rodger
Bosch Fred
Boshielo Marutle Flag SACP, SACTU, ANC and MK member  1920
Boshoff Carel Academic and Afrikaner cultural leader 9 November 1927 16 March 2011
Boshomane Abel
Boshomane Amos 27 February 1988
Boshomane Martinus

Banished person

Bosi Zwelingima
Bosigo Mompati
Boskati Mabuti
Boskati Mabuti
Bota Michael 26-December-1976
Botha Andries Sculptor 22 September 1952
Botha Elize author, literator, journalist, editor, academic, first woman to become Chancellor of the University of Stellenbosch 19-November-1930 16-November-2007
Botha Roelof  Law Adviser of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Member of Parliament and Minister of Foreign Affairs in South Africa 27-April-1932 12 October 2018
Botha Pieter Pieter Willem Botha commonly known as "PW" an 12 January 1916 31 October 2006
Botha Wim Artist, Sculptor  1974
Botha Louis Boer general and statesman 27 September 1862 27 August 1919
Botha George 15-December-1976
Botha Tozamile 15 June 1950
Botman Russel Political detainee, academic, author, minister of religion, theologian, thinker, President of the South African Council of Churches, first black Rector and Vice Chancellor of the University Of Stellenbosch. 18-October-1953 27-June-2014
Bottoman Wonga 28 April 1961
Bourke Richard Acting Governor of the Cape Colony 4 May 1777 13 August 1855
Bouws Jan Musician, composer, lecturer and author 28-July-1902 26-January-1978
Boxall Dorothy Ruth music lecturer,  founder of the Young Citizen’s Orchestra, served on executive council of the Johannesburg Music Society, adjudicator, member of the Music Committee of the School Teachers’ Music Association, served on the Research and Education Committee of the South African Society of Music Teachers, and was twice chairwoman of the Witwatersrand University Musical Society. 19-July-1895 23-December-1951
Boyce Boyhna
Boyce Thembekile
Boyhna Zamile
Bozas Diamond Artist and founder member of Zululand Society of Arts 1923
Bozwana Notemba 02-November-1964
Braam Conny Dutch anti apartheid activist and Operation Vula Operative 1948
Bradfield April
Brakvis Linda 29 January 1988
Brand Johannes 6 December 1823 14 July 1888
Brandford Nkukuwana
Brandt Nieodemus
Brecker Karl
Brenner Sydney Scientist and recipient of the 2002 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 13 January 1927
Breytenbach Breyten Poet, writer, painter and activist 16-September-1939
Breytenbach Cloete Photojournalist, Photographer 1933 31 May 2019
Brian Mazibuko
Brickhill Joan 06-March-1924 15-January-2014
Brickhill Jeremy
Bright Ngqungwana
Brink André South African novelist, playwright, literary critic and academic. 29 May 1935 6 February 2015
Brink Aba A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Banned and detained by the apartheid government.
Brink John A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).
Britten Ronald (Ronnie) Teacher, exile, member of the then Non-European Unity Movement, organiser for the Teachers League of South Africa, member of the African Peoples Democratic Union 30 June 2013
Brock Barbara
Bromberger Norman A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA) and the African Resistance Movement (ARM). Banned by the apartheid government.
Bromberger Norman 2 December 1935 4 January 2019
Brookes Edgar Political activist, academic, lay clergy and member of the Liberal Party   04-February-1897 22-April-1979
Brooks Alan

Member of the Liberal Party, African Resistance Movement, South African Communist Party, author and activist. 

18 May1940 10 May 2008
Brooks Allan
Broom Robert

Physician and palaeontologist, discoverer of “Mrs Ples” or the most complete Australopithecus africanus skull.

30 November 1866 1951
Broughton Morris
Brown Peter Liberal Party founding member, Natal Midlands farmer and philanthropist.  24-December-1924 28-June-2004
Brown Clifford 06-November-1984
Brown Babette
Brown Emanuel
Brown Brian 15 October 1938
Brown McKenzie
Brown Mary 20 July 1847 16 January 1935
Brown Babette

Anti-racism activist, writer, teacher, founding member of the Congress of Democrats (COD), founded Early Years Trainers Anti-Racist Network (EYTARN) and Persona Doll Training (PDT)

1931 10 February 2019
Bruce David

Conscientious objector, political prisoner, researcher, expert on policing in South Africa, author, recipient of the Reebok Human Rights Award 

Brutus Dennis Sports administrator, teacher, political activist, poet and academic 24-November-1924 26-December-2009
Brutus Wilfred
Brutus Joseph
Brutus Vincent 28 November 1924
Bruwer Tim Tim Bruwer manages libraries and arts and cultural services at Moreland City Council in Melbourne. Moreland is a city where more than 70 home languages other than English are spoken by residents and where multiculturalism and diversity are valued and c
Bryceland Yvonne Actress 18-November-1925 13-January-1992
Buba Lawrence 09-September-1976
Bucibo Joyce
Budaza Coaster
Budd Raymond A trade unionist and a founder of TUCSA 09-June-1910 14-August-1974
Budd Zola  Former South African Athlete and World Record Holder 26-May-1966
Buhula Ephraim
Buller Redvers Henry 07-December-1839 02-June-1908
Bundi Phindle
Bundi Phindle
Bundlender Jean
Bungalipeli Nokosi
Bunge Lwana
Bungu Vuyani Former South African & IBF Junior Featherweight Champion 26-February-1967
Bunting Brian Journalist, Native Representative in the House of Assembly,Western Cape, chief editor of the Guardian, editor of the African Communist and Central Committee member of the SACP. 09-April-1920 18-June-2008
Bunting Sonia Member of the SACP, Founder member of the Cape Town Friends of Cuba Society 09-December-1922 24-March-2001.
Bunting Sidney Communist intellectual and organiser, Sydney Bunting was instrumental in the formation and early development of the Communist Party of South Africa. 29-June-1873 25-May-1936
Bunting Rebecca

Founding member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Bunting Percy
Bunting Beryl
Buqwa D B
Buqwa D
Burger Schalk 6 September 1852 5 December 1918
Burton Henry South African advocate and Cabinet Minister in the South African Government between 1910 and 1924, vice-president of the Non-Racial Franchise Association. 2 June 1866 25 December 1935
Burton Mary  Political activist, Human Rights lobbyist, President of Black Sash, TRC Member 19-January-1940
Busa Julius Trade unionist and ANC member 05-January-1927
Busakuwe Nelson
Busakwe Jackson
Bushy Molefe
Butelezi Arthur Artist
Butelezi Samuel
Butelezi Sipho
Buthelezi Mangosuthu South African politician and the founder and President Emeritus of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). 27 August 1928 9 September 2023
Buthelezi Regina Artist 1928 1978
Buthelezi Amon
Buthelezi Norbert
Buthelezi Jimmy
Buthelezi Sethimbiso
Buthelezi Jimmy
Buthelezi Sethimbiso
Buthelezi Mkhombiseni 6 June 1993
Buthelezi Mceleli

Banished person

Buthelezi Philehlupheka
Buthelezi Hamilton
Buthelezi Joseph
Buti Philemon
Buti Moyo
Butler Frank Harold (Sam) 1889 1980
Butshingi Makhwenkwe Trade unionist and community leader. 28-February-1906 28-February-1980
Butshingi Ephraim
Buwa Mlindi
Buyaphi Manka
Buyapi Manku
Buza Sizakele 11-November-1988
Buzo Sizakele
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