Stone Chapel, Tokai, near the Porter Reformatory School

This structure probably dates from the 1890s and was built in sandstone in a predominantly neo-Gothic manner. It forms an integral part of the Porter Reformatory, established here in 1880. It was declared a National Monument under old NMC legislation on 27 December 1985. French Redoubt, Trafalgar Park, Woodstock. Although fortifications were a necessary feature of early Dutch settlement at the Cape, neither the Fort of Good Hope nor the Castle were in good strategic positions to guard the bay. As a result a number of fortifications, stretching in a semi-circle from the mouth of the Salt River through to Hout Bay, came to surround the harbour area. These received special attention during the 1780s when the VoC, fearing a British attack on the Cape, accepted the assistance of a French garrison. In addition, in order to protect the town from a possible overland attack from the direction of False Bay, a line of fortifications was hastily built from Fort Knocke, where the Woodstock railway station is located today, to the foot of Devil's Peak. This was generally known as the French Line, but is also referred to in old documents as the Munnik Line or the Nieuwe Retranchement. In 1786 the French Line consisted of Fort Knocke, the Hollandse Redoubte, the Franse  Redoubte and the Burgher Reddoubte, and remained in use until 1827 when the British military issued orders that all forts excepting Fort Knocke must be demolished. Over time all traces of buildings and earthworks have disappeared, with the exception of the Franse Redoubte, also known as the central or Frederick William Redoubt, which is situated in Trafalgar Park, Woodstock. In reality the French Line, set out in 1781, had fallen into such a state of neglect by 1786 that it was regarded as being completely useless, and had to be extensively restored in 1795 by the new British administration. It was declared a National Monument under old NMC legislation on 6 September 1968. Roodebloem Complex, Elson Street, Woodstock. This historic complex of buildings was built on land originally granted to Hendrik Lacus in 1666. The present structures were probably erected during the 18th century and currently house the Ruth Prowse Art Centre. It was declared a National Monument under old NMC legislation on 17 October 1981.

Tokai Manor House was built in the Dutch Period, on a 9 ha Property in 1795 and was previously known as ‘Aan de Buffelskraal’. It is situated at the Western terminal of Tokai Road. The Manor House is significant because it represents several Historical layers over 250 years as Farmstead, Convict Station and is related to the Reformatory. Its setting is as important as the Buildings, and includes Trees and Open Spaces. The vulnerability lies in the costly Maintenance and fragile materials and the biggest threat is intrusive elements. It has been declared a Grade 2 Provincial, Heritage Site under the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999. the Property is currently in the Ownership of PAWC (Dept of Transport and Public Works) and TMNP has made application to PAWC to lease the Manor House for the purpose of; 'Table Mountain National Park Headquarters'.  In 1890, the first Schoolmaster was appointed to the Porter Reformatory, when it was formally moved to Tokai. A new large block of Buildings were erected at that time. The Reformatory has a strong Social Connotation with a large section of the Metropolitan Community (position statement CPNP 2002). The Reformatory is highly vulnerable and in a condition of decay and is unfortunately threatened by inappropriate Maintenance.

-34° 3' 32.4", 18° 24' 57.6"