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(prior to 1910)

The settlement of Hooge Kraal was established in 1813 as a station of the London Missionary Society (LMS). In 1818 its name was changed to Pacaltsdorp, in honour of the Rev Carl Pacalt, the first missionary to serve there. John Campbell, Director of the LMS, who was instrumental in seconding the Rev Pacalt to Hooge Kraal, visited there in 1819 and reported that: "In no part of the colony did I observe a greater alteration or improvement than at the (Khoikhoi) town of Hooge Kraal, now called Pacaltsdorp ... Soon after (March 1813) Mr Pacalt, a pious, disinterested, and active Missionary from the London Society, commenced a mission to this people, and continued with them till his death ... On revisiting this kraal in 1819 ... I found the settlement surrounded by a wall, six feet in height, five feet thick at the bottom, and tapering to the top, the whole length being 6,767 feet. Enclosures for securing their cattle in the night-time were surrounded by walls of the same construction ... Their gardens contained peach, apricot and fig trees, potatoes, pumpkins, water- melons, cabbages, beans, peas, Indian corn ..."

In 1822 the Reverend William Anderson joined the mission, and both he and his family continued to play a leading role in the affairs of the village for more than a century. The 1875 census indicated that Pacaltsdorp mission station had a population of 495. In 1891 this number had risen to 632, but by 1904 it had dropped to 571.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

1.There is an information Centre there which allows Parking and you to obtain a map for the Historical Walk through Pacaltsdorp.                                                                                                                                                                               . 2.Kaptein Dikkop Amphitheatre: This unique Amphi-theatre was built in memory of Chief Dikkop. Chief Dikkop was the leader of the Khoi Khoi, the first inhabitants of Hoogekraal, now known as Pacaltsdorp. The Ampphi-theatre is used for community gatherings like the monthly Pacaltsdorp Market Day, and the annual Pacaltsdorp Christmas Lights Festival.                                                                                                                                                                                               . 3.The First Post Office: The first Post Office was built in 1971, today it is home to the George Municipalities Areas Office.                                                                                                                                                                                            4. The First ‘Board’ House: Around the 1890’s the Board House was built for the use of the Village Management Board for meeting and administration. It was fenced during the middle of 1894.                                                                            5. The First School: On 1 December 1837, William Anderson laid he cornerstone of the new school. It was built of materials similar to the great stone church, except that it was plastered on the outside. A new school block was built between 1940 and 1951. Today it’s home of the Akkertjie Pre-primary School.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6. Old Stone Church: One of the oldest churches in found in Pacaltsdorp. This imposing Norman style church, also described as Gothic Revival, is unique in South Africa. It’s metre-thick stone walls and tall, square, rough stone Norman tower was originally built from stone, yellowwood, glass and clay. On 19 June 1825 Dr. John Phillip officially opened this unique church which had taken 18 months to complete. Rev. Charles Pacalt demanded the bell on top of the church was imported from England. The church was also used as a school on weekdays.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7. Congregational Church: in 1963 the Rev. F.E. McMaster foresaw the need of a larger church within a decade. At the end of a 10-year period, burgeoning church growth actually compelled the council to erect a larger building. On 25 May 1975, the new UCCSA church was dedicated free of debt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8. Atkinson Manor: William Anderson built the first manse, a two-storied building with thick stone walls and abundant yellowwood; it was also declared a national monument. Soon after arrival in January 1822, William Anderson began the construction of a third and commodious mission home for hid large family of boys and girls. The double storied, balconied building was constructed of stone quarried on the banks of the Skaap River. The Andersons occupied the house for 30 years. After both Mr. and Mrs. Andersons death the three spinster daughters moved away and the Atkinsons took over.                                                                                                                                                                                            9. Die Patat Huisie: The Patat Huisie was Rev. Pacalt’s second mission cottage constructed in approximately 1813, consisting of sod walls, a thatch roof and cow-dung floor. Johan Anderson used the old mission cottage for storing his “six-months” sweet potatoes, for which he was well known. Thus, the cottage acquired the name of “Die Patat Huisie” amongst the local people. It was declared a national monument in 1976. Monument Reference:                                              10. JB Anderson Memorial Hall: John Brown Anderson was a beloved teacher and minister for over 50 years in Pacaltsdorp. He dedicated a great contribution towards the development and upliftment of Pacaltsdorp. He was known as the “Father of his people”. Besides filling the long felt need for a church hall, this memorial hall was built in Marc 1959 as a tribute to John Anderson.                                                                                                                                                     11. Grave of Kaptein Dikkop: The Khoi Khoi chief of Hoogekraal was active in obtaining a resident missionary. Kaptein Dikkop died in 1816 and despite all efforts to spread the gospel amongst the followers, he was buried outside the mission’s burial grounds, the reason apparently being that he had never converted to Christianity. His grave is declared a national Monument.                                                                                                                                                         12. Missionaries’ Acre: In the centre of the old cemetery lies historical “Missionaries’ Acre”. A small enclosed plot containing the graves of the missionaries and their wives. Amongst others the following persons were buried in the graveyard, Rev. Charles Pacalt, Johanna Anderson (wife of Rev. William Anderson), George Anderson, Mary Anderson (wife of George Anderson) and Epenita Jantjies. Epenita became the Rev. Pacalt’s first ‘Hottentot’ convert at Hoogekraal. She was baptized in the Christian Church on 7 November 1814. She died on the 2nd of June 1859. She was described by Rev. T Atkinson as the first fruit of Rev. Pacalt’s labours and for more than 44 years a consistent and useful member of the Church of Christ. In 1957, the last of the missionaries were buried in “Missionaries’ Acre”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            13. The Tree of Meeting: Rev. Charles Pacalt called inhabitants of the Khoi Khoi settlement of Hoogekraal together for worship under this larg tree. The great Cape Ash (Essenhout) Tree is believed to be the first meeting place. “The Tree of Meeting” was planted about 300 years ago. This tree is situated in the summit of Sandkop, in the centre of where Chief Dikkop’s Kraal used to be up to 1816.                                                                                                                                14. The House of Meeting: The House of Meeting was a religious institution where services of a devotional and instructional nature were held on a daily basis. In addition to Sundays, services were held throughout the day. It later served as an information centre for Pacaltsdorp. Today it is an institution where old residents of Pacaltsdorp gather to play traditional games, do fitness exercises and just share stories and memories.
