The Moravian Mission Station of Goedverwacht, is nestled between the Piketberg Mountains and is accessed by an excellent tarred road off the R399, between Piketberg and Velddrif. It was established in 1889 as a Moravian Mission Station and has a fascinating story!

The Village is situated in a fertile and well-watered Valley and is characterized by gardens full of flowers, fruit and vegetables. The Church and Parsonage were built by the villagers and are constructed of local stone. Other interesting Buildings include the school, the Mission Store and the watermill which now houses the Museum. The land originally belonged to a widowed farmer, Hendrik Schalk Burger.

When the emancipation of the slaves was in sight, he asked his slave,' Maniesa', (originally from Bengal, India), and her five children and son-in-law to stay on the farm with him and care for him until his death. In his will, he left the Farm, to Maniesa, with the instructions that when all her children had died; their descendants should sell the Farm and divide the proceeds among the children. His own children challenged the will in court twice but it was upheld and remained in Maniesa's family's hands until 1888 when her last child, Hester, died. Her grave can still be seen in the graveyard. Their descendants then decided that instead of selling the Farm on open auction, they would sell it to the Moravian Missionaries for- 750 Pounds.

Owing to its close proximity, it was run as a unit with the older Wittewater Mission for many Years.

-32° 51' 39.6", 18° 40' 58.8"
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