Bloemfontein, Capital City of the Free State Province

Bloemfontein is the capital City of the Free State Province, previously known as the Orange Free State. The City is known as the 'City of Roses', or Manguang, 'the place of cheetahs' and the landscape is predominantly dry grassland. Bloemfontein is currently the Judicial Capital of South Africa, and the seat of the Supreme Court of Appeal. The City is also the Place of Birth of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, the World renowned Philologist, author, mythmaker.

26° 9' 10.8", -29° 7' 8.4"

Abrahm, S.  The history of Bloemfontein and surroundings areas 1846-1996, with special reference to the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. University of the Free State. MA Degree.|Anon. (unknown) ‘Eunice Our School High School’ from homepage of Eunice High School website [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2010]|Anon. (unknown) ‘Grey College: History’ from Grey College website [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 October 2010]|Botes, M.(n.d). Bloemfontein Gedurende die bewind van President F.W Reitz, 1889-1895: 'n KultuurhistorieseStudie. Translated from Afrikaans by Varushka Jardine. (unpublished).|Botes, S.M. (1993) Van Residensie tot Presidensie: ‘n kultuurhistoriese studie van ampswonings in Bloemfontein, 1846-1900. M.A.-dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 1993.|Frescura, F (2002) The Post offices of the Cape of Good Hope, 1792-1910. Pretoria: The Archetype Press.|Giliomee. H, Mbenga. M (2007) New History of South Africa. Tafelberg Publishers. South Africa.|Groenewald, A.C. (1989) Die sosiale lewensomstandighede in Bloemfontein, 1896-1899. M.A.-dissertation, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, May 1989.|Janse van Rensburg, P.J.N. (1996) ‘Só het stad se geriewe gegroei’, Supplement from Die Volksblad, 28 March 1996, p. 27.|Janse van Rensburg, P.J.N. “Uitdaging van £10 500 om biljarttafel uitgespook”, the republican supplement to Die Volksblad, February 1954, p. 49.|Key figures in Bloemfontein.[online].Available at:[Accessed January2011].|Lamont-Hussey Observatory [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 July 2010]|Mountain. A (2003) The First People of the Cape. David Philip Publishers. South Africa.|Potgieter, J. (eds) et al.(1970), Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa. Vols :1,3,4,5,7. NationaleBoekhandel. London.|Reader’s Digest (1988) Illustrated History of Southern Africa. The Real Story.  Reader’s Digest. South Africa.|SA Places Website. Bloemfontein [online], available at:  [accessed April 2010]|Schoeman, K. (1980) Bloemfontein: Die Ontstaan van ‘n Stad, 1846-1946. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau (translated extract)|South African Timeline from Wikipedia [online]. Available at: [Accessed December 2010].|Van der Bank, D.A. (1993) Die stryd om die behoud van die identiteit van die Afrikaner in die Oranjerivierkolonie, 1902-1910. Ph.D.-dissertation, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, June 1993.|Van der Walt, K.S. (1974) Die Nederduits-Gereformeerde Kerk en die onderwys van blankes in die Oranje-Vrystaat tot 1900: ’n prinsipieel-historiese studie  M.Ed.-dissertation, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, January 1974.|Venter, I.S.J. (1962) ‘Die Bloemfonteinse Bewaarskool: die eerste staatsondersteunde kindertuin in die republiek van die Oranje-Vrystaat’, Mededelings van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika C38, Pretoria, 1962, pp. 1-35

Further Reading