Born in Cape Town, Lurie studied (Philosophy, Economics) and taught (Philosophy) at UCT before going to the London School of Economics where he did research and co-edited Millennium, Journal of International studies. 

Self taught in photography, Lurie began doing documentary projects on a part time basis in 1990, and full time in 1995 following the publication of his book "Life in the Liberated Zone" (Corner house Books, UK).

His work has been widely published in magazines in the UK, Europe, US, Australia & SA and has won several awards, including 'Pictures of the Year', Nikon [UK], ford Pro Photo [SA] & Arts Council of Great Britain awards.


'South African Photographs': 1990 [toured UK]

'Working the Surface of the Earth': 1990 [Group show]

'Bitter Harvest': 1992 [UK, Europe, US, South Africa]*

Also part of a group show at Portfolio Gallery, London with Omar Badsha & David Goldblatt (1992).

'Life in the Liberated Zone': 1993 [UK, Europe, US, South Africa]*

'Crisis in South Africa's Health Services': 1994 [UK]*

'After Apartheid: South Africa's black middle class': 1995 [US tour, with 'Life in the Liberated Zone', commissioned by the Getty Museum, Los Angeles]

'Struggling to Share the Promised Land': 2001-2 [UK, Germany, Bahrain, South Africa]*

*Commissioned by Side Gallery, Newcastle.

His work was the subject of two ten minute programs on 'South Africa Today', PBS / USA [1991, 1992], produced by Danny Schechter.