Roseberry Tandwefika Bokwe was born in 1900 in the Tsomo district of the Transkei. He began his education at the mission of his father,John Knox Bokwe, in Ugie, East Griqualand, and then studied at Lovedale high school from 1911 to 1917.His father was reverend and his mother a teacher. Entering Fort Hare in 1918, he obtained a teacher's diploma and then taught at Ohlange Institute near Durban, where he was headmaster from 1922 to 1927,the school was founded by John Dube. He was also a physician.

In 1928 he began the study of medicine at the University of Edinburgh, qualifying as a doctor in 1933. In 1937 Administer successful parliamentary election campaign of Margaret Ballinger who represented Africans in the Eastern Cape until 1960.He then established a medical practice in Middledrift, a rural area in the eastern Cape, where he became district surgeon in 1945. Bokwe was a member of A. B. Xuma's national executive committee during the 1940s and served as treasurer of the Cape ANC from the 1940s through 1954. He was one of the directors of Inkundla ya Bantu, a member of the Africans' Claims committee, and presided as speaker at the ANC's annual conferences in 1950 and 1951. He died in 1963. He was a brother-in-law of Z. K. Matthews .


Gail M. Gerhart, Teresa Barnes, Antony Bugg-Levine, Thomas Karis, Nimrod Mkele .From Protest to Challenge 4-Political Profiles (1882-1990) (last accessed 20 September 2018)