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Grade 4 - Term 2: Learning from leaders

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This topic looks at what makes a good or great leader, and how we can learn from them. The CAPS curriculum emphasizes Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi as great leaders, focusing on the qualities they possess and using their life stories as examples. In addition, teachers may add a local, provincial, national or international leader of their own choice who has contributed to the advancement of democracy and human rights.

SAHO possesses a large database of research material on many other great leaders.

The class should focus on qualities of a good leader such as: being a servant for the people and working for the good of others, being dedicated and wholeheartedly committed to his or her beliefs and being prepared to sacrifice or give up something for the sake of others.

Important guiding questions for this lesson are:
Why is he/she an example of a good leader?
Is it always easy to be a good leader?
Are leaders always popular?
Are leaders always perfect?
How can ordinary people follow the example of good leaders?

Further reading
1. African Traditional leaders
2. For an A-Z of South African profiles visit