The Historical site of Fort Glamorgan in East London, named after the Earl of Glamorgan. Established in 1848 along the Buffalo River, this Fort was used as troop barracks and to guard the supply line to King Williams Town. The Fort was named after Lord Charles Somerset's father, the Earl of Glamorgan. Somerset was the governor of the Cape Colony. The original Fort consisted of a loop-holed wall, which encompassed the soldier's barracks, forage stores and stables, a Hospital and cookhouses. The original powder magazine was located outside of the Fort's perimeter. The British realized that this was a mistake, and a new magazine was built inside the grounds in 1856. The powder magazine was constructed of Dolerite blocks, and features an arched roof, surrounded by a high wall and adjoining guard house. The powder magazine is the only reaming building at the fort, and is situated about 500m from the main gate of the prison, and is only accessible through the main prison gates, Named a National Monument in 1938, the Building stands within the Glamorgan Prison grounds. Permission from the department of correctional services will need to be given before access to visit the fort will be granted.
27° 53' 38.4", -33° 2' 2.4"
Further Reading