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President Samora Machel of Mozambique and Prime Minister PW Botha of South Africa signed the Nkomati Accord, a non-aggression, and good-neighbourliness pact, on the border between the two countries.
On 16 March 1984, South Africa and Mozambique entered into a non-aggression pact known as the Nkomati Accord. The terms of this accord was that South Africa would cease to support Renamo forces in Mozambique. In return Mozambique would not allow the liberation movements such as the African National Congress (ANC) and Pan African Congress (PAC) to establish bases in Mozambique or to transport arms or personnel through Mozambican territory. Machel went into these negotiations under tremendous pressure, as South African incursions, airstrikes and support for Renamo was reducing Mozambique to a smouldering ruin while Mozambique's socialist allies did very little to support and protect it from South African military and economic aggression. The Presidents of South Africa and Mozambique, P.W.Botha and Samora Machel, signed this accord. It is disputed which country broke the terms of the accord first, but the South African Defence Force flagrantly disregarded this Accord and launched numerous incursions into Mozambique.
DISA,"What of the Nkomati Accord?",From: DISA,[Online],Available at: www.disa.ukzn.ac.za,[Accessed on: 11 March 2014]|Encyclo,"Nkomati Accord",From: Encyclo,[Online],Available at: www.encyclo.co.uk,[Accessed on: 11 March 2014]