Published date
23 January 2011
On 23 January 2011, John James Issel also known as Johnny died at the age of 64, after he had suffered renal failure at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town . Issel was born on 14 August 1946 in the wine growing area in Worcester and worked in a farm at a young age, cleaning grapes for the export market. During his matric, he became actively involved in the East Rand anti apartheid Labour party, contesting for the Coloured Representative Council. In addition, Issel was the founder of United Democratic Front (UDF) and a member of Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Associations (MKMVA). He worked closely with trade union movements and student organizations. Issel made an immense contribution in the liberation struggle of South Africa to fight against apartheid. He is one of those who have sacrificed a lot for the country. He left behind six children five grandchildren.
South African History Online (2000), John James Issel, [online], Available at https://www.sahistory.org.za/people/john-james-issel [Accessed: 17 January 2020].|
Independent Online (2011), Hundreds mourn death of ‘a giant, [online], Available at https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/western-cape/hundreds-mourn-death-of-a-giant-1016315 [Accessed: 17 January 2020].|
The presidency Republic of South Africa, John James Issel [online], Available at http://www.thepresidency.gov.za/national-orders/recipient/john-james-issel-1946 [Accessed: 17 January 2020].