Account | A record or description of past events. |
Archaeology | The study of pre-historic people and their culture. |
Banished | Forced to leave a place as a punishment. |
Colonialist | Someone who believes in colonialism, which is the use of a weaker country's resources by a stronger country to make itself stronger. |
Coral reefs | A ridge close to the surface of the sea that is made up of the skeletons of small sea creatures. |
Custom | An activity or action that has been established for a long time. |
Democracy | A political system where the citizens of a country choose their representatives by voting. |
Ecosystem | A group of different elements or organisms that make up a community that interacts with its environment. |
Endangered | In danger of being extinct. |
Epic poems | Long, story-like poems about a person or events. |
Excavated | Opened up by digging. |
Exiled | Forced to leave a place as punishment. |
Fossil | The remains or impression of a plant or animal that has been excavated from the ground. |
Generation | All people who are roughly the same age or who are living at the same time. |
Hectare | An area of 10 000 square metres. |
Hominid | Humans and human-like creatures. |
Iron-age | A period after the bronze-age where iron tools and weapons were used. |
Lepers | People who have leprosy, which is an infectious disease that affects the nerves. |
Lime | A chemical substance that burns flesh. It is obtained from heating limestone. |
Lush | When something is present in great amounts. |
Marsh | A wet area between land and water with grassy plants. |
Microfauna | Very small animals. |
Oppression | Being kept down by unfair use of authority or force or leaving a place willingly because of disagreement. |
Practice | Something that is done regularly or as a habit. |
Pre-historic | Something that existed before history was recorded. |
Prospector | Someone who explores an area for mineral deposits. |
Reciting | Give a verbal repetition of a poem that has been memorised. |
Stone-age | The earliest known period of human culture. It is called the stone-age because these people used stone tools. |
Tradition | Customs and beliefs that are handed down from generation to generation. |