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Glossary: Local History

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AccountA record or description of past events.
ArchaeologyThe study of pre-historic people and their culture.
BanishedForced to leave a place as a punishment.
ColonialistSomeone who believes in colonialism, which is the use of a weaker country's resources by a stronger country to make itself stronger.
Coral reefsA ridge close to the surface of the sea that is made up of the skeletons of small sea creatures.
CustomAn activity or action that has been established for a long time.
DemocracyA political system where the citizens of a country choose their representatives by voting.
EcosystemA group of different elements or organisms that make up a community that interacts with its environment.
EndangeredIn danger of being extinct.
Epic poemsLong, story-like poems about a person or events.
ExcavatedOpened up by digging.
ExiledForced to leave a place as punishment.
FossilThe remains or impression of a plant or animal that has been excavated from the ground.
GenerationAll people who are roughly the same age or who are living at the same time.
HectareAn area of 10 000 square metres.
HominidHumans and human-like creatures.
Iron-ageA period after the bronze-age where iron tools and weapons were used.
LepersPeople who have leprosy, which is an infectious disease that affects the nerves.
LimeA chemical substance that burns flesh. It is obtained from heating limestone.
LushWhen something is present in great amounts.
MarshA wet area between land and water with grassy plants.
MicrofaunaVery small animals.
OppressionBeing kept down by unfair use of authority or force or leaving a place willingly because of disagreement.
PracticeSomething that is done regularly or as a habit.
Pre-historicSomething that existed before history was recorded.
ProspectorSomeone who explores an area for mineral deposits.
RecitingGive a verbal repetition of a poem that has been memorised.
Stone-ageThe earliest known period of human culture. It is called the stone-age because these people used stone tools.
TraditionCustoms and beliefs that are handed down from generation to generation.